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2 Hill Street, St. Helier - Various alterations.

A formal published “Ministerial Decision” is required as a record of the decision of a Minister (or an Assistant Minister where they have delegated authority) as they exercise their responsibilities and powers.

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A decision made (23/11/2007) regarding: 2 Hill Street, St. Helier. Various external alterations including replacement of roof plant and fenestration changes.

Decision Reference:   MD-PE-2007-0307

Application Number:  P/2007/2495

(If applicable)

Decision Summary Title :

2 Hill Street, St. Helier

Date of Decision Summary:


Decision Summary Author:

Chris Jones

Decision Summary:

Public or Exempt?


Type of Report:

Oral or Written?


Person Giving

Oral Report:


Written Report

Title :

2 Hill Street, St. Helier

Date of Written Report:


Written Report Author:

Chris Jones

Written Report :

Public or Exempt?


Subject:  2 Hill Street, St. Helier, 

Various external alterations including replacement of roof plant and fenestration changes.


The Planning Application was presented to the Ministerial Meeting of 23rd November 2007 where it was approved by The Minister subject to Conditions. In respect of Condition 1, The Minister required that Polished Stainless Steel was to be used throughout the scheme for windows and doors.  

However on the 14th January 2008 the Minister considered further information from the applicants’ agent in respect of the high costs involved in providing stainless steel throughout. The Minster decided to rescind this requirement in part, but still wished to see polished stainless steel used in the main entrance doors and windows.

Reason(s) for Decision: 

Permission has been granted having taken into account the relevant policies of the Approved Island Plan, together with other relevant policies and all other material considerations, including the consultations and representations received.  


  1. Before any development first commences on site, sample details of all external materials to be used in the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing with the Minister for Planning and Environment. The approved scheme shall be implemented in full and shall be retained and maintained as such.


  1. Prior to the commencement of the external illumination of the building, precise details of the proposed illumination arrangements shall be submitted to and approved in writing with the Minister for Planning and Environment. The approved scheme shall be implemented in full and shall be retained and maintained as such.


  1. The proposed landscaping arrangements as indicated on the submitted drawing no.s 401 Rev P1 and 402 Rev P1 shall be undertaken within the first available planting season and any planting losses shall be replaced with the same species as indicated for a period of five years from the date the planting takes place.



  1. To safeguard the visual amenities of the area and to ensure the materials used contribute positively to the streetscape in accordance with Policy G3 of the Adopted Island Plan 2002.


  1. To safeguard the visual amenities of the area in accordance with Policy G3 of the Adopted Island Plan 2002.


  1. To safeguard and enhance the appearance of the area in accordance with Policy G3 of the Adopted Island Plan 2002.

Resource Implications: 


Action required: 

Notify Agent, Applicant and all other interested parties



Date Signed:

Date of Decision (If different from Date Signed):

23 November 2007

2 Hill Street, St. Helier - Various alterations.

Planning and Environment Department


Application Number



Site Address

2, Hill Street, St. Helier.




2 Hill Street Holdings Ltd




Various external alterations including replacement of roof plant and fenestration changes.







Date Validated





Built-Up Area

Island Rte Network: Secondary

Pot Town Conservation Area

Town Centre

Town Proposals Map

Area of Archaeological Pot




BE2 – Proposals in the Town of St. Helier

BE3 – Town Centre Vitality.

G2 –General Development Considerations

G3 – Quality of Design



Reason for Referral

Ministerial Call-In




The proposal seeks some external cosmetic changes to the front façade of the building involving the replacement of windows and doors, improvements to the forecourt area, roof repairs. Also involved is the formation of a new roof garden to the first floor of the rear of the building and the replacement of plant on the roof.  

The building has been empty for 5 years and is currently being refurbished to office use. A separate planning application for the change of use of the former banking hall on the ground floor to office use is also on this agenda for consideration (P/2007/2466).  

The proposed works are acceptable and will enhance the character and appearance of the building and the area.  





APPROVE subject to conditions.


Site Description

The site is located in Hill Street. It adjoins office development to the east and west and is opposite office development and the Parish Church of St. Helier to the north. Car parking to the adjoining office building and part of the Fort Regent embankment is located to the south.



Relevant Planning History

2007 – (Not yet determined) – P/2007/2466 – Change of use of ground floor from banking hall to office.  

2003 – (Sub-Committee Approval) – P/2003/2526 – Proposed change of use from banking hall and office to department store. 

2003 – (Sub-Committee Refusal) – P/2003/2525 – Proposed change of use from banking hall and office to retail at ground floor with residential units on upper floors.  

1. The proposal fails to provide adequate standards of private external amenity space contrary to the minimum standards set out in Planning Policy Note No. 6 ‘A Minimum Specification for New Housing Developments’ February 1994 and fails to provide adequate car parking provision as set out in Planning Policy Note No.3; contrary to Policy G2 of the Jersey Island Plan 2002.  

2003 – (Sub-Committee Approval) – P/2003/2524 – Proposed change of use from banking hall and office to hotel.  

2003 – (Sub-Committee Refusal) – P/2003/2523 – Proposed change of use from banking hall and office to licensed entertainment – bars, restaurant, nightclub and staff accommodation.  

1. The proposed use is considered to be detrimental to the amenity of the area contrary to Policy G2 and BE3 of the Jersey Island Plan 2002 

2003 – (Sub-Committee Approval) – P/2003/2522 – Proposed change of use from banking hall and office to retail at ground floor and commercial office use on upper floors.  

2003 – (Sub-Committee Approval) – P/2003/2519 – Proposed change of use from commercial to hotel.  

2003 – (Sub-Committee Refusal) – P/2003/2513 0 Proposed change of use from commercial office to retail at ground floor with residential on upper floors.  

1. The proposal fails to provide adequate standards of private external amenity space contrary to the minimum standards set out in Planning Policy Note No. 6 ‘A Minimum Specification for New Housing Developments’ February 1994 and fails to provide adequate car parking provision as set out in Planning Policy Note No. 3



Existing use of Land/Buildings

Former HSBC bank with banking hall on the ground floor and ancillary office accommodation on the upper floors.



Proposed use of Land/Buildings

Office accommodation.




No consultation responses received.  

All consultations are attached with the background papers



Summary of Representations

No consultation responses received.  

All letters of representation and responses are attached with the background papers



Planning Issues

Policy Considerations

Policy BE2 states that the Planning and Environment Committee will take into account the context of the development and its contribution to the townscape, public realm, the potential to regenerate outworn areas of the town, to remove eyesores and re-locate un-neighbourly uses, the quality and character of the proposed development and its positive contribution it would make to the vitality and viability of the town centre.  

Policy G3 states that a high standard of design that respects, conserves and contributes positively to the diversity and distinctiveness of the landscape and the built context will be sought in all developments. The Planning and Environment Committee will require (inter alia) matters such as scale, form, massing, orientation, siting, design, density of development, materials and landscaping to be taken into account as appropriate.  

Land Use Implications

The former bank premises have been empty for about 5 years. Work has recently commenced on site to implement the previously approved scheme for offices under P/2003/2522 which involves the conversion of the upper floors to a single office user. The new tenant also requires office accommodation on the ground floor, rather than the retail use previously approved and the planning application for the change of use to office accommodation is also no this agenda for Ministerial consideration. (P/2007/2466). 

Size, Scale & Siting

The proposal is for external alterations to the existing building. The application does not propose to alter building heights or siting and as such the scale is deemed to be acceptable in terms of its impact on the streetscape.  

Design & Use of Materials

The application does not seek to significantly alter the front façade of the modern 1980’s building. To the front, it is proposed to replace the existing metal framed windows with new fixed glass windows with minimal framing and new stainless steel framed windows; to replace the existing glazed revolving door with matching side doors to a stainless steel finish; to refurbish and repaint black the existing iron gates; to repair the existing slate roof where required with matching slates and to professionally clean the stonework.  

To the existing front forecourt area, it is proposed to professionally clean the existing walling; install new railings and a gate to match the existing; fill-in the existing gap left by the removal of the night safe with matching stone work; the provision of stainless steel planters and stainless steel cycle stands; 2no. ground fixed floodlights and repaving with natural granite setts, granite paving slabs and white cobbles. Finally, the space left by the removal of the previous ATM will be re-utilised with the new engraved name of the occupier to also contain recessed decorative lighting. 

To the rear of the building where it faces the car park area, the existing metal framed windows will be replaced with new double glazed fixed pane windows.  

The existing roof will be repaired where required with matching slates and a new double glazed roof light installed.  

On the first floor, the existing flat roofed area will be converted to a roof terrace measuring 7.5m long x 6.5m wide. The terrace will be decked with hardwood timber, with 3no. steps down from the internal room adjoining and bordered by 500mm high stainless steel planters, with uplighters within the planters. The roof terrace will then be enclosed by 1100mm high stainless steel balustrading.  

On the existing flat roof area behind the existing main pitched roof, the 2no. existing cooling towers measuring 3075mm high x 2700mm long x 700mm wide will be replaced by 6no. condensers each measuring 1990mm long x 1840mm high x 840mm wide.  

The proposed works to the front and rear of the building are in accordance with Policies G3 and BE2 and will not have any detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the building or the area in general. 

The replacement roof plant is to the rear of the building, only viewed from the car park. It is of a smaller scale than the plant it is replacing and as a consequence, will not have any adverse impact on the character and appearance of the building or the area in general.  

Impact on Neighbours

The property is situated in Hill Street with existing office accommodation either side and opposite. The proposed development will not have any adverse impact on the neighbouring properties.  

Access, Car parking and Highway Considerations

There has never been any car parking associated with the building even when it was in use as a bank. The site is however located within the centre of the town in close proximity to good public transport links, including cycle parking provision and is in close proximity to residential areas of St. Helier.  

Foul Sewage Disposal

The site is connected to both foul and surface water sewers.

Landscaping issues

The site currently has no landscaping and little opportunity exists for a large scheme. The proposal does however afford the opportunity to improve what little space there is on the front forecourt of the building and as part of the new roof terrace area to the rear of the building. The submitted details for these areas are acceptable.  

Other Material Considerations 

Whilst the building is not a registered building, part of the rear portion of the building is considerably older than the 1980 front facade, with a suggestion that it could have been a former wine store. During current building works to form the new offices, a granite door, window openings, the original timber beams and a large granite outer wall have been uncovered.  

These elements have been retained as there is no reason why they cannot be incorporated into the overall office development.  

The Curator of Historic Buildings at the Heritage Trust has been advised of this and is currently in the process of investigating this further and any results will be reported verbally to The Minister at the meeting.





APPROVE subject to conditions.





  1. Before any development first commences on site, sample details of all external materials to be used in the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing with The Minister for Planning and Environment. The approved scheme shall be implemented in full and shall be retained and maintained as such.


  1. Prior to the commencement of the external illumination of the building, precise details of the proposed illumination arrangements shall be submitted to and approved in writing with The Minister for Planning and Environment. The approved scheme shall be implemented in full and shall be retained and maintained as such.


  1. The proposed landscaping arrangements as indicated on the submitted drawing no.s 401 Rev P1 and 402 Rev P1 shall be undertaken within the first available planting season and any planting losses shall be replaced with the same species as indicated for a period of five years from the date the planting takes place.


  1. To safeguard the visual amenities of the area and to ensure the materials used contribute positively to the streetscape in accordance with Policy G3 of the Adopted Island Plan 2002.


  1. To safeguard the visual amenities of the area in accordance with Policy G3 of the Adopted Island Plan 2002.


  1. To safeguard and enhance the appearance of the area in accordance with Policy G3 of the Adopted Island Plan 2002.



Background Papers

1:2500 Location Plan


Endorsed by:





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