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Villa Mont Gras d'Eau, Le Mont Gras d'Eau, St. Brelade. - Planning Permission.

A formal published “Ministerial Decision” is required as a record of the decision of a Minister (or an Assistant Minister where they have delegated authority) as they exercise their responsibilities and powers.

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A decision made (14/08/2008) regarding: Villa Mont Gras d'Eau, Le Mont Gras d'Eau, St. Brelade. - Planning Permission.

Decision Reference:   MD-PE-2008-0284

Application Number:  P/2008/0007

Decision Summary Title

Villa Mont Gras d'Eau, Le Mont Gras d'Eau, St. Brelade

Date of Decision Summary:

14 August 2008

Decision Summary Author:

A. Townsend

Decision Summary:

Public or Exempt?


Type of Report:

Oral or Written?


Person Giving

Oral Report:

A. Townsend

Written Report


Planning and Environment Dept


Date of Written Report:

10 March 2008

Written Report Author:

A. Townsend

Written Report :

Public or Exempt?


Subject:  Villa Mont Gras D'Eau, Le Mont Gras d'Eau, , St. Brelade. 

Demolish existing dwelling. Construct new 4 bedroom dwelling and associated works.


The Minister accepted the development at a Public Meeting on 19 March 2008, subject to the agreement on percentage for art, energy efficiency standards and materials. The applicant has accepted a Percentage for Art requirement and confirmed the building will meet the U.K. Building Regulations energy efficiency standards. Materials have been agreed. The Minister has accepted that it is not necessary to lower the building, and has approved the application.

Reason(s) for Decision: 

Conditions: -

                       Permission has been granted having taken into account the relevant policies of the

                       approved Island Plan, together with other relevant policies and all other material

                       considerations, including the consultations and representations received. 

  1. Prior to the commencement of any development on site, including demolition and site

      clearance, a tree survey including a thorough investigation of all existing trees shall be     

      undertaken by an arboriculturalist and submitted to and approved by The Minister.  Only

            once this is agreed shall development commence.  Unless specifically agreed by The

            Minister, no existing trees shall be felled or lopped or topped, in perpetuity.  Prior to any

            development a 1m high paling or similar fence shall be erected around the crown of all

            existing trees to prevent damage to these trees.  This shall be retained in place until the

            first occupation of the building.  

      2.   The development must be undertaken entirely as approved with no alterations unless

             otherwise agreed. 

  1. The granite elements of the elevations shall be clad in Stirling Stone G437 textured granite,

       the windows shall be in anthracite grey coloured powder coated aluminium (RAL 7016), and  

       all rain water goods must be hidden internally.  All elevations of the top floor, not just parts as

             shown, shall be clad in Stirling Stone Golden Black Polished black cladding.  All garden and

             retaining walls shall be in random granite. 

        4.  The building shall be constructed to meet or exceed the current UK Building Regulations

             requirements in regard of energy efficiency, or the energy efficiency requirements of the local

             Building Bye Laws relevant at the time of construction, whichever sets the higher standards. 

  1. Prior to the first occupation of the building,  a piece of art shall be constructed on site as

      agreed with the applicant and to comply with The Minister's Percentage For Art policy.  The

      precise details of this construction shall be agreed in advance with The Minister in

             accordance with the latest Supplementary Planning Guidance.  


1.  Permission has been granted on the understanding that the building will sit within the existing

     landscape, and it is important therefore that existing trees are retained. 

2. Permission has been granted on the basis that the building is considered to be of a high

     standard of design, and this condition is imposed to ensure that the development achieves the

     quality shown on the approved drawings 

3. These materials have been agreed with The Minister to ensure a high quality finish and

     appropriate colours. 

4. As Condition 2 above.

5. To ensure compliance with the Minister's Percentage For Art policy and ensure a suitable

    appearance as part of the redevelopment of the site. 

INFORMATIVE -  For the avoidance of doubt the details of the house shown on the approved Site Plan drawing our reference R are not approved as these do not match the floor plans approved.  However the Site Plan is approved in respect of the other details shown.

Resource Implications:


Action required: 

Agent, Applicant and all other interested parties already notified.


PLeg / PT Initials


Minister for Planning and Environment

Date Signed:

Date of Decision: 14 August 2008

Villa Mont Gras d'Eau, Le Mont Gras d'Eau, St. Brelade. - Planning Permission.

Planning and Environment Department


Application Number



Site Address

Villa Mont Gras D'Eau, Le Mont Gras d'Eau, St. Brelade.




Mr & Mrs D Warwick




Demolish existing dwelling. Construct new dwelling and associated works.







Date Validated





Built-Up Area

Green Backdrop Zone




G2 – (General Development Considerations)

G3 – (Quality of Design)

G15- (Replacement Buildings)

BE10 – (Green Backdrop Zone)



Reason for Referral





Policy G15 (Replacement Buildings) has been viewed pragmatically and the removal of an existing building has often been allowed if it is considered its replacement is an improvement. The proposed building is more striking and larger than the existing, and it is a matter of judgement whether it achieves an improvement. The Department considers that the design is both good in its own right and locally relevant with the use of granite panels on two floors.  

To avoid the building becoming intrusive it is considered important that the top floor is wholly clad in dark materials, that all retaining walls are in granite, and that all existing trees are retained.







Site Description

Existing peach coloured render building of 2 floors, plus garage level plus roof.  It is of no architectural merit.  Also see “size, Scale and Siting” below.



Relevant Planning History

There is no planning history directly relevant to the redevelopment of this property. However, the Department also has another live, undecided, application for alterations to the other small residential units on this site, La Petite Charriere.



Existing use of Land/Buildings

One dwelling.



Proposed use of Land/Buildings

One dwelling.




The Parish of St. Brelade in their response of 21 January note that no alteration to the access is proposed. In addition, the Connétable

has no comments to make on the application. 

The Environment Department have stated that they have no comment



Summary of Representations

2 objections have been received on grounds including:- 

  • The application is deceptively worded – the application is for the construction of a building of four floors not three, and the parking is not underground.
  • The visual impact of the large additional floor in place of the existing roof.
  • Scale and huge increase in volume.
  • Inappropriate style. One objection suggests the Spanish style of Devon Court on Mont Sohier would be more appropriate.
  • The materials will not complement and respect the integrity of the location, nor harmonise with the natural surroundings.
  • The demolition of the existing building is not justified; the real reason is to maximise the financial return.
  • The reference to high value residents is irrelevant.
  • The Minister is requested not to allow another “terrible eyesore” like Tuppcoombe across the road.


Both letters of representation are attached as background papers



Planning Issues

Policy Considerations

As with all developments the proposal must meet the requirements of Policy G2. In addition, a high quality of design is expected in accordance with Policy G3. Policy G15 (Replacement Buildings) sets a presumption in favour of the retention of existing buildings, and requires that any new building must enhance the area. This has been implemented pragmatically, and often the removal of existing buildings has been allowed where their replacements are seen as an improvement.  

Policy BE10 (Green Backdrop Zone) highlights the value of the Green Backdrop, in this case to the St. Brelade’s Bay, and requires that it be maintained in any development.  

Land Use Implications

None – there is no change in land use.  

Size, Scale and Siting

The proposal can be considered as two main parts, the construction of the new house and garage, and the separate construction of the pool with associated landscaping.  

The house is sited broadly in the same position as the existing, but incorporates a gentle curve. The key issue in assessing the application is the impact on the area, including the Green Backdrop Zone, through the combination of the building’s size, scale, design and materials, and also the change in levels and construction of retaining walls around the swimming pool.  

Like the existing, the bottom level of the house is predominantly garaging, broadly at existing ground level, and not truly underground. Above are three floors of accommodation where the existing building has two floors plus a roof. Each floor is narrower than that below (measured east to west) and has a balcony to break up the mass. Each is also treated in different materials. The ground floor (and basement for parking) are finished in granite panels. The first floor is in render. The second floor is predominantly in black glazed terracotta cladding. Balconies are constructed of glass panels with steel handrails. Windows are aluminium on the outside and timber on the inside. The colour is not specified and it is suggested that a Condition be imposed to this end, with the Department’s preference being for a dark grey colour.  

As a result of the greater floor to ceiling heights of the proposal against the existing, the top of the “first floor” of accommodation, is approximately 0.6m higher than the existing. The additional floor of accommodation reaches a final height of approximately 1.4m above the existing ridge. This floor effectively replaces the mass of the existing roof. However, the existing roof is not intrusive, and to avoid the top floor becoming imposing and exaggerating the scale of the whole building, it is considered vital that its materials are appropriate. Although much of this floor is proposed to be in black tiles, the setback section is shown in render. Although set back, it will still be visible and less intrusive in a darker material.  

The style of the building has been criticised by the two objectors. The impact of the building and the appropriateness of the design are both subjective matters. However, it is the Department’s conclusion that this is an exciting contemporary design, which includes local relevance though the use of granite panels, and is not inappropriate in a largely built up, bay setting. It is concluded that the design addresses the Minister’s Design Principles and will achieve an enhancement of the site over the existing building. The Department does not share one of the objector’s views that a Spanish design with orange tiles would be more appropriate or locally relevant.  

The building will be taller than that existing and it is a matter of judgement whether this is acceptable. The Department’s view that it is, provided the whole of the top floor is in a dark material, and that the tall trees to the front (south), which screen the bottom two floors of the existing building, are retained. A Condition is recommended requiring a tree survey to be undertaken before any development (including demolition or site clearance), is commenced, together with an Arboriculturalist assessment of the trees. If it is found that any of the existing trees cannot be retained, this may affect the impact of the building.  

In addition to the house, a pool is proposed to the west. The pool itself will not be visible from outside the site, but construction relies on retaining walls to the south and north of the pool – both potentially visible from within and without the bay. The tall wall is shown in granite, but that to the north is shown in render on the elevation, but granite on the perspectives. Render is considered intrusive, but granite would be reasonable in this setting. A Condition is recommended to require the use of granite for all retaining walls.  

Design and Use of Materials

See, Size, Scale and Siting above.  

Impact on Neighbours

Due to the position, levels and size of the site, there are no immediate neighbours likely to be materially detrimentally affected by the proposed development through overbearing or overlooking.  

Access, Car Parking and Highway Considerations

There is no change to the existing access proposed, and adequate car parking is provided.  

Foul Sewage Disposal

Foul sewer proposed.  

Landscaping issues

See “Size, Scale and Siting” above. 

Other Material Considerations

A Waste Management Plan is included in the application. This includes standard re-use of demolition materials. It is also proposed that excavated materials will either be re-used on site, or can be used for infilling where required, on other sites.  

The agent’s Statement also refers to the States’ support for high value residents, and the need to accommodate dwellings to meet that requirement. As a specific objective of the States, this is not immaterial as suggested by one of the representations. However, it should not be used to allow development which would otherwise be unacceptable. The application therefore falls to be considered on its own merits.










  • The entire top floor shall be clad in dark materials to be agreed with the Minister.
  • Prior to the commencement of any development on the site, including demolition or site clearance, a tree survey together with a thorough investigation of all of the existing trees, undertaken by an Arboriculturalist, shall be submitted to the Minister for consideration. Only if, and once, this is agreed by the Minister, shall any development take place on site.
  • The colour of the windows is to be agreed with the Minister. A dark grey is expected.
  • The development must be undertaken entirely in accordance with the approved drawings, with no alterations, unless otherwise agreed.
  • All retaining walls, including those around, in front of, and behind the swimming pool shall be in random granite.



Background Papers

1:2500 Location Plan

Agent’s supporting case (2 sheets)

2 consultation responses.

2 letters of representation.


Endorsed by:



10 March 2008



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