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Infrastructure Investment in Parish of Trinity: Phase One Building Project

A formal published “Ministerial Decision” is required as a record of the decision of a Minister (or an Assistant Minister where they have delegated authority) as they exercise their responsibilities and powers.

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A decision made on 23 July 2012:

Decision Reference:  MD-TR-2012-0060

Decision Summary Title:

Infrastructure Investment in the Parish of Trinity for Phase One Building Project (Field No 578)

Date of Decision Summary:

23rd July 2012

Decision Summary Author:

Treasurer of the States

Decision Summary:

Public or Exempt?


Type of Report:

Oral or Written?


Person Giving

Oral Report:


Written Report


Infrastructure Investment in the Parish of Trinity for Phase One Building Project (Field No 578)

Date of Written Report:

23rd July 2012

Written Report Author:

Treasurer of the States

Written Report :

Public or Exempt?



States of Jersey Currency Fund Infrastructure Investment in the Parish of Trinity for financing of the phase one building project on Field No 578 to construct 25 first time buyer homes.


The Minister decided to:-

  • approve, in line with the current Investment Strategy for the Currency Fund, up to a ÂŁ6 million Infrastructure Investment in the Parish of Trinity to provide financing for phase one of a building project on field No 578 for the purpose of building first time buyer homes. This is subject to the terms and conditions set out in the Infrastructure Investment agreement (Appendix A), and
  • review and agree the content of the Infrastructure Investment Agreement and the proposed letter of support (Appendix A & B).

Reason(s) for decision:  The Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 Article 6 (paragraph 1(a) and 3) relates to the investment of monies of the Currency Fund being carried out in accordance with the Regulations. Under the Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No.2) (Jersey) Regulations 2005 Regulation 4, the Minister is responsible for presenting the Investment Strategies and any review of them to the States, as soon as practical, and furthermore that monies may be invested in the extent and manner set out in the last Investment Strategy presented to the States. Therefore the proposal for the Currency Fund’s Infrastructure Investment in the parish of Trinity is made in line with the most recent Investment Strategy presented to the States on 29th March 2012 (R44/2012).


The development to be carried out by the Parish of Trinity increases the supply of social and affordable homes, aiding a reduction in the current affordable homes shortage. This is in line with the “House our Community” priority set out in the 2012 Strategic Plan. Further, the provision of monies to the Parish for this project provides further stimulus to the economy. The proposal was circulated to the Council of Ministers of 13th July 2012. 


The rate offered to the Parish exceeds the current long term cash returns received by the Currency Fund, maximising investment returns for the fund whilst offering diversification of Investment Asset Classes. Further, this investment will produce absolute returns for the Currency Fund and will provide a good mix of investments for the fund within the agreed risk profile.

Resource Implications: 

This decision will see the transfer of ÂŁ6 million from the Currency Fund in staged payments which are estimated to be during 2012 to 2014. The investment is estimated to last approximately 18 months. The investment returns positively impact the Currency Fund by exceeding the current level of returns it receives from its long term cash investments.

Action required: 

Head of Financial Management, Accounting and Reporting to advise the Head of Shareholder Relations that this decision has been approved.

Head of Shareholder Relations to arrange for the Treasurer and the Connetable of the Parish of Trinity to sign the Infrastructure Investment Agreement and that it be appropriately witnessed. (Appendix A).

Further, to ensure that the promissory letter is signed by the Parish of Trinity and returned before the first stage Infrastructure Investment payment is made (Appendix B).





Position: Senator P F C Ozouf, Minister for Treasury and Resources


Date Signed:

Date of Decision:


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