Education, Sport and Culture
Ministerial Decision Report
Increase of Budget and subsequent transfers between Revenue and Capital Heads of Expenditure as a consequence of capital grants received for the 3G Pitch and Playground equipment.
- Purpose of Report
To enable the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture (ESC) to approve the following:
- The use of capital grant income received in the sum of £410,000 as contributions towards capital projects as detailed below.
- An increase of £410,000 to the Education, Sport and Culture (ESC) income budget and an increase of an identical amount to the ESC expenditure budget.
- An internal budget transfer of £410,000 from the ESC revenue head of expenditure to the Sport Strategy Infrastructure and Minor capital head of expenditure for capital grants received by the Sport Division and Jersey College for Girls Preparatory School respectively.
- Background
In support of the 5 year strategy (“Fit for the Future”) for sport and physical activity in Jersey an extra £4.5 million in capital funding was allocated to Education, Sport and Culture in 2014/2015 to improve facilities in preparation for the 2015 NatWest Island Games and for the use by the community afterwards. One of the capital projects identified by the sport strategy was for a new 3G Pitch at Springfield Stadium. The Football Foundation agreed to grant Education, Sport and Culture £400,000 from their Premier League and FA Facilities Fund towards this project.
The Ministerial Decision (MD-ESC-2015-2021) signed on 7 October 2015 covered a revenue to capital budget transfer for a new playground at Jersey College for Girls Preparatory School. A contribution from the school PTA of £10,000 has been received towards this project.
- Recommendation
The Minister for ESC is recommended to approve:
- The use of capital grant income received in the sum of £410,000 as contributions towards capital projects as detailed above.
- An increase of £410,000 to the Education, Sport and Culture (ESC) income budget and an increase of an identical amount to the ESC expenditure budget.
- An internal budget transfer of £410,000 from the ESC revenue head of expenditure to the Sports Strategy Infrastructure and Minor capital head of expenditure for capital grants received by the Sport Division and Jersey College for Girls Preparatory School respectively.
- Reasons for Decision
Under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) expenditure that meets the definition of capital expenditure only can be capitalised. This budget transfer is the movement in budget between capital and revenue required to align the budgeting treatment of expenditure with the accounting treatment, in order to comply with GAAP.
Section 5.1 of Financial Direction 3.6 Variation to Heads of Expenditure states that Departments wanting to transfer funds between heads of expenditure must obtain the approval of their minister or of their accounting officer where a scheme of delegation exists prior to obtaining approval from the Treasury Minister or Treasurer.
Article 18(1)(a) of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 states that all or any part of the amount appropriated by a head of expenditure may, with the approval of the Minister for Treasury and Resources, be transferred from a capital head of expenditure to a revenue head of expenditure, or vice versa, in order to comply with generally accepted accounting principles or an Order made under Article 32.
Under Article 19(1) of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 the Minister for Treasury and Resources can authorise a States funded body to withdraw from the consolidated fund during a year an amount not exceeding the likely excess of income over the amount approved in that year’s revenue allocation. Authority is delegated to the Treasurer of the States to approve any such income which matches additional expenditure.
- Resource Implications
The ESC revenue head of expenditure will show an additional income budget of £410,000 and an additional expenditure budget of £410,000. This expenditure will subsequently be transferred to the ESC capital head of expenditure which will increase by £410,000.
Report author: Finance Manager | Document date : 24 November 2015 |
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