Economic Development,
Tourism, Sport & Culture
Elizabeth Castle Business Case
Date: Friday 28th June 2021
Author: Sector Officer, Culture, Arts and Heritage
In December 2020, the States considered and supported Government Plan 2021–2024 (P.130/2020): Twelfth Amendment (P.130/2020 Amd.(12)) – Second Amendment. The agreed proposition provides £750,000, in 2021, towards the redevelopment costs of Elizabeth Castle including the Officers’ Quarters and Hospital. Party to this, was a request for a revised business case for the whole of the redevelopment, and a commitment that funding will be provided in subsequent years to complete the development, no later than the end of 2025, subject to the agreement of an updated business case and after JHT and Ministers having worked together to thoroughly investigate other potential funding mechanisms.
This briefing note is to advise Ministers of what the £750,000 will be spent on in 2021, and to advise that a revised business case for the development of Elizabeth Castle, taking account of other requirements in the proposition is currently being considered by Treasury officials.
The Government Plan 2020-2023 included identifiable capital funding of £3.59M in relation to improvement works at Elizabeth Castle for 2022 and 2023. This was a recognised error, as Treasury officials do not recognise Elizabeth castle in the Government of Jersey (‘GoJ’) balance sheet and was to be removed in the 2021-2024 Government Plan. However, embedded in the revenue growth for culture, arts and heritage, for 2020-2023, was a sum of £5.45M, over three years for Elizabeth Castle development works.
The Council of Ministers had to prioritise its expenditure across many commitments it made in the Government Plan 2020-2023, for 2021-2023, as part of the process of lodging the Government Plan, in light of the cost of dealing with the pandemic. As part of that review £80 million was removed from expenditure, including what was included in revenue for Elizabeth Castle.
Deputy Tadier proposed an amendment to P.130/2020 Government Plan 2021–2024. Government Plan 2021–2024 (P.130/2020): Twelfth Amendment requested the States to re-instate funding for Elizabeth Castle in 2021 and a further commitment that funding be provided in 2022 and 2023 to complete the project. Having considered Deputy Tadier’s proposition, the Council of Ministers lodged an amendment to the amendment Government Plan 2021–2024 (P.130/2020): Twelfth Amendment (P.130/2020 Amd.(12)) – Second Amendment, that was supported by the States Assembly.
The agreed proposition provides £750,000 in 2021, towards the redevelopment costs of Elizabeth Castle including the Officers’ Quarters and Hospital. Details have now been received from Jersey Heritage Trust (‘JHT’) as to how this funding will be utilised as follows:
- Recruit the requisite skills to produce the detailed business case and prepare the site, and
- Undertake the requisite preliminary and enabling works by December 2021.
JHT will need to undertake several intrusive on-site surveys to establish service runs and ground conditions prior to completing the tender documentation.
As a Grade 1 listed site, a full archaeological survey of the buildings will also need to be undertaken prior to the commencement of works. JHT will seek quotes to undertake the necessary survey work over the summer period to coincide with universities summer recesses when resources are available.
In order to prepare the site for the main contractor to commence works in early 2022, subject to funding being agreed by the States Assembly, a number of preliminary and enabling works will need to be undertaken in autumn 2021. These works need to be finalised, but are likely to include the following:
- Preparation of the militia building to house the exhibition currently in the Officers’ Quarters existing;
- Relocate the exhibition from the Officers’ Quarters;
- Empty stored items and equipment from the Hospital Coal Store and relocate elsewhere on site; and
- Update power supply and distribution of power within the castle
A business case has been developed for how the £750,000 will be spent in 2021. This report will support the Ministerial Decision to approve the funding and for the monies to be transferred to JHT by way of a Top-Up Grant.
The report on spend for 2021 also forms part of the revised business case for the whole of the redevelopment of Elizabeth Castle.
The Ministerial team is asked to consider and agree:
- The proposed apportionment of the £750,000 spend on the Elizabeth Castle project in 2021; and
- For officers to prepare a Ministerial Decision and accompanying report and for the funds to be distributed to Jersey Heritage Trust via a top-up grant.