Reason(s) for Decision: Reason For Approval REASON FOR APPROVAL: Planning Permission has been granted by the Minister for Planning and Environment following careful consideration of the scheme, the plans and documents submitted, the relevant policies of the 2011 Island Plan and the consultation responses and representations received. Subsequent to a public meeting on the matter, the Minister has also undertaken a site visit. The application hereby approved is for the demolition and replacement of an existing dwelling known as The Dunes which lies at the south-eastern end of a large group of detached suburban houses accessed from Le Mont a la Brune. This is a sensitive site (part of the Island’s Coastal National Park) which borders the sand dunes to the immediate south and east. Architecturally, the existing house is fairly undistinguished although the Minister acknowledges that it is in a good condition. One of the broad policy aims of the 2011 Island Plan is to promote the re-use of existing buildings where possible. However, this aim must be viewed in the context of the site’s location within the Coastal National Park where the overall aim is to protect and enhance scenic quality and the natural environment. The Coastal National Park policy (Policy NE6) sets the strongest presumption against development and gives the Park the highest level of protection from development. However, the Island Plan does recognise that there may be opportunities to actually improve the Coastal National Park through redevelopment – particularly if this achieves improvements to the landscape, reductions in visual impact and improvements in design. In particular, Policy NE6 states that the redevelopment of existing residential buildings may be allowed as an exception to policy but only where it is demonstrated that this would give rise to demonstrable environmental gains, and make a positive contribution to the repair and restoration of the landscape character of the area by a reduction in their visual impact and an improvement in the design of the buildings that is more sensitive to the character of the area and local relevance. In this instance, the Minister believes that the applicants have made a strong case in support of their application and that the scheme has merit. The redevelopment of the site would result in a high quality building which would be built to the latest standards of environmental performance. Architecturally, the design uses a muted and naturalistic palette of materials which would reduce the visual impact when compared to the stark white render of the existing building; furthermore, the relocation of the building footprint will allow for the new house to be set slightly lower within the site which also helps reduce visual impact. Finally, considerable attention has been given to the restoration of the natural ‘dunescape’ environment across the site. The Minister notes that several letters of objection have been received from nearby neighbours. The main concerns are to do with the size of the house and the principle of redevelopment, although some concerns with regard to possible over-looking have been raised. Having assessed the scheme, however, and having heard from a number of objectors in person at a public meeting, the Minister does not believe that the development would have an unreasonable impact on the general residential amenity of any neighbouring property. On balance, therefore, the Minister believes that demolition and redevelopment can be justified and approved the application accordingly. Condition(s) - The development hereby approved shall be carried out entirely in accordance with the plans and documents permitted under this permit. No variations shall be made without the prior written approval of the Minister for Planning and Environment or an authorised officer of the Development Control section of Planning and Building Services.
- Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted, samples of all of the external materials to be used shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Minister for Planning and Environment. High quality photographic evidence (including product literature) may be sufficient for some items.
- Unless otherwise agreed in writing (and notwithstanding any indication on the approved plans), the upper floor of the new dwelling shall not be clad externally in copper. Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, an alternative cladding system, which is more muted and naturalistic in appearance and which blends in with the surrounding landscape to a greater extent, shall be submitted to, and agreed in writing by, the Minister or authorised officer. It is anticipated that this will be a timber cladding system or similar. Details of such a material must be submitted and agreed in accordance with Condition no. 2 above.
- Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, a thorough ecological survey of the site must be undertaken, to the satisfaction of the Natural Environment Team of the Department of the Environment, in order to determine the presence or absence of any protected species on the site. Such a survey must be undertaken by a suitably qualified and competent person approved by the Minister for Planning and Environment (or other authorised officer) with the area to be surveyed, as well as the exact scope and terms of the survey, having been agreed beforehand by the Natural Environment Team. Thereafter, depending on the findings of this survey, suitable mitigation measures may need to be incorporated into the development.
- Notwithstanding any indication on the approved plans, details of all plant species to be used as part of the landscaping of the site (including the sedum roof), shall first be agreed with the Natural Environment Team of the Department of the Environment. Thereafter, all planting and other operations comprised in the landscaping scheme shall be carried out and completed prior to the occupation of the development.
- Notwithstanding the provisions of the Planning and Building (General Development) (Jersey) Order 2008, or any amendment thereto or replacement of that order, no works involving the erection of a building, extension, structure, gate, wall, fence (or other means of enclosure), tank, the creation of any new openings in the external fabric of the building (or the replacement of any windows with doors or vice versa), or any excavation or the introduction of any hardstanding to any ground surface, other than those shown on the drawings approved with this permission, is permitted without the prior approval of the Minister for Planning and Environment.
Reason(s) - To ensure that the development is carried out and completed in accordance with the details approved by the Minister for Planning and Environment.
- The execution of this development is considered to be critical to its success, and the Minister wishes to be assured as to the quality of these details.
- To safeguard the visual amenities of this environmentally-sensitive location, in accordance with Policy GD 7 of the 2011 Jersey Island Plan.
- To ensure that the development complies with the requirements of the Conservation of Wildlife (Jersey) Law, 2000.
- To ensure that an appropriate landscaping scheme is achieved for the site, and that the benefits of such a scheme are not delayed and consequently make an early contribution to the amenity of the site in the interest of sustaining and enhancing landscape quality.
- Owing to the prominence and location of the site, together with the design concept of the new dwelling, the Minister wishes to retain strict control over the form of any additional development which may be proposed.