Treasury and Resources
Ministerial Decision Report
allocation from the Restructuring Provision to Chief Minister’s Department for funding of an Interim Resourcing Specialist
- Purpose of Report
To approve a non-recurring allocation of up to £135,200 during 2018 from the Restructuring Provision to the Chief Minister’s Department (CMD) revenue head of expenditure to fund an Interim Resource Specialist for up to 6 months.
- Background
Following the appointment of a new Chief Executive, the States of Jersey is undergoing a radical review of its current operating model led by an interim transition team working with the business.
The HR Department has moved to a centralised model over the last 3 years with an operational transactional hub, areas of expertise and business partnering. Resourcing has, up until this time, been devolved to departments, supported by Business Partners from HR, but with no central resource accountable for organisation wide resourcing and talent management.
With the change in direction signalled, this is one of the areas that HR will be required to address. This has been identified and validated by the Transition team.
The provision of a strategic resourcing and talent plan for the States is congruent with the stated aims of creating one organisation.
The funding will be allocated in two tranches of up to £67,600 for each phase. Phase 1 will assess the work already underway in departments over 3 months and will inform the work required in Phase 2.
3. Recommendation
The Minister is recommended to approve an allocation of up to £135,200 during 2018 from the Restructuring Provision to the Chief Minister’s Department revenue head of expenditure to fund an Interim Resource Specialist for up to 6 months.
4. Reason for Decision
Article 17(2) of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 states that the Minister for Treasury and Resources is authorised to approve the transfer from contingency expenditure of amounts not exceeding, in total, the amount available for contingency expenditure in a financial year.
The current Contingency Allocation Policy (published as R.110/2017) sets the requirement for all allocations from Contingency over £100,000 to be considered by the Council of Ministers prior to submission to the Minister for approval. For Public Sector Reform (PSR) funding the Council of Ministers has approved the delegation of its role described above to the Minister for Treasury and Resources to consider and, if appropriate, approve restructuring provision funding bids under £500,000 during the MTFP Addition period (2017 – 2019). The PSR Investment Committee approved the request by email on 21st December 2017.
5. Resource Implications
The CMD revenue head of expenditure to increase by up to £135,200 during 2018 and the Restructuring Provision within Contingency to decrease by an identical amount.
This decision does not change the total amount of expenditure approved by the States for 2017-2019 in the Medium Term Financial Plan.
Report author : Head of Decision Support | Document date 3rd January 2018 |
Quality Assurance / Review : Director of Financial Planning and Performance | File name and path: L:\Treasury\Sections\Corporate Finance\Ministerial Decisions\DS, WR and SD\2018-0001 - C21 PSR funding to CMD for Resourcing Specialist £135k |
MD sponsor : Director of Financial Planning and Performance |