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Jersey Airport: Public car park charges

A formal published “Ministerial Decision” is required as a record of the decision of a Minister (or an Assistant Minister where they have delegated authority) as they exercise their responsibilities and powers.

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An accurate record of “Ministerial Decisions” is vital to effective governance, including:

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A decision made on 3 August 2011:

Decision Reference:  MD-E-2011-0122

Decision Summary Title:

DS - Jersey Airport – public car park charges

Date of Decision Summary:

1 August 2011

Decision Summary Author:

Brian Marek-Murray

Finance and Commercial Manager

Decision Summary:

Public or Exempt?


Type of Report:

Oral or Written?


Person Giving

Oral Report:


Written Report


WR - Jersey Airport – public car park charges

Date of Written Report:

July 2011

Written Report Author:

Brian Marek-Murray

Finance and Commercial Manager

Written Report :

Public or Exempt?



Increase the Jersey Airport public car park charges.


The Assistant Minister, acting in accordance with Regulation 3(1) of the Aerodromes (Administration) (Jersey) Regulations 1965, approved increases in the charges to the general public for use of the car parks at Jersey Airport, to take effect from 01 September 2011, as follows –

(a)      Short stay car park – from £0.60 per half hour to £0.70 per half hour

(b)      Main car park – from £0.60 per hour to £0.70 per hour.

Reason(s) for Decision: 

The airport has not increased it car park charges since May 2009 and an increase also is required to cover the rise in GST and operating costs.  The cost of maintaining and administering the car parks has risen without a corresponding increase in charges.

Resource Implications:

The additional income received will be used in maintaining and administering the car parks. There are no additional resource implications. 

Action required: The Airport Director to ensure that:

  • the Finance and Commercial Manager to seek the approval of the Minister for Treasury and Resources for the increase in charges in line with Financial Direction 4.1;
  • the Marketing & Communications Manager publishes a revised list of charges in the Jersey Gazette;
  • the Head of Engineering Services makes the necessary changes to public notices on the car parks;
  • the Business Systems Support Manager makes the necessary alterations to the payment systems in the car park pay machines.





Senator  Paul Routier

Assistant Minister for Economic Development

Date Signed:


Date of Decision:

Jersey Airport: Public car park charges


Jersey Airport – public car park charges  



To increase the charge to the general public for use of the car parks at Jersey Airport, effective from 1 September 2011, for a period of three years. 




There are two public car parks at Jersey Airport; the short stay car park in front of the Arrivals Terminal, for which a charge of 60p per half hour, and the main car park in front of the Departures Terminal for which a charge of 60p per hour.  There is no free parking at the airport, except for a 10 minutes ‘pit stop’ zone.  Designated disabled parking bays are available within the two car parks. 


The airport accrues a significant income from its public car parks, the total receipt for 2010 was £846,122 (£73,528 of which came from the arrivals car park and £772,594 came from the main car park). 


The airport has not increased its charges since May 2009 and the cost of maintaining and administering the car parks has increased without any commensurate increase in charges, including an increase in GST. 


Over the same period, the Transport & Technical Services Department has ministerial approvals increasing the unit charge of their car park pay cards from 58p to 69p, effectively an 18.9% increase to cover the on-going maintenance of their car parks, the increase in GST and to provide an additional increase return to General Revenues.  The inflation percentage increase over the same period was 8.4%, plus the increase in GST of 2%, means an over all increase of 10.4%. 


The airport’s automated car park pay machines do not accept copper coins, so it is proposed the increase is 70p as units can only be changed in 10p increments.   




Accordingly, given this restraint – which would be very costly to accommodate, combined with other overhead costs, the recommended increased charge is 0.70p per unit. 


The revised charges from the 1 September 2011 would be as follows: 


1. Short stay car park – from 60p per half hour to 70p per half hour  


2. Main car park – from 60p per hour to 70p per hour.  



Finance and Commercial Manager

July 2011


\\\sojdata\clmhUsers\marekmurrayb\Word\Airport\Treasurers Decisions\MD - Car Park charges - Report.doc

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