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Jersey Teachers' Superannuation Fund: Delegation of Certain Functions from Management Board to the Treasurer of the States

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A decision made 18 May 2017:

Decision Reference:  MD-TR-2017-0064

Decision Summary Title:

JTSF Management Board delegation of investment powers

Date of Decision Summary:

15th May 2017

Decision Summary Author:

Head of Investment Management and Pensions

Decision Summary:

Public or Exempt?


Type of Report:

Oral or Written?


Person Giving

Oral Report:


Written Report


JTSF Management Board delegation of investment powers

Date of Written Report:

15th May 2017

Written Report Author:

Head of Investment Management and Pensions

Written Report :

Public or Exempt?



The delegation of certain investment powers of the Jersey Teachers’ Superannuation Fund (JTSF) Management Board to the Treasurer of the States of Jersey.


The Minister decided to approve the delegation of the responsibility for the appointment, termination and monthly operational monitoring of investment managers for the JTSF from the JTSF Management Board to the Treasurer of the States of Jersey.

Reason(s) for decision:  

Under the Teachers’ Superannuation (Jersey) Law 1979, Article 2 (paragraph 2A & B), the Management Board requires the consent of the Minister for Treasury and Resources to delegate “any power, duty or function relating to the investment of money in the fund”.

Under the Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2005 Article 5 & 6 the Treasurer must ensure that any investments made are properly managed, controlled and accounted for and that the Treasurer must appoint any investment manager. The CIF is managed under this regulation and the JTSF Management Board is requesting permission to delegate the responsibility of these investment powers to the Treasurer, to bring the JTSF assets in line with the CIF.

Accordingly the Management Board is asking the Minister to consent to delegate the responsibility for the appointment, termination and monthly operational monitoring of investment managers for the JTSF from the JTSF Management Board to the Treasurer of the States of Jersey

On 31 July 2013 the assets of JTSF were transferred into the States of Jersey Common Investment Fund (CIF). At that time the JTSF Management Board were unwilling to transfer responsibility for appointing and terminating investment managers. Having experienced the workings of the CIF, the Management Board are now confident to delegate some of their powers. Additionally the structure of the CIF has changed so that investment pools are split by asset class as opposed to investment manager.

Going forward the Management Board will retain the ability to allocate assets to a CIF pool but the responsibility for the appointment, termination and monthly operational monitoring of investment managers within the pool will lie with the Treasurer of the States of Jersey. This decision was agreed by the JTSF Management Board at their meeting on 29 March 2017.

Resource Implications:

All expenses are paid from investment holdings of the funds.

Action required:

The Head of Decision Support to advise the Head of Investment Management and Pensions that this decision has been approved so he can advise the JTSF Management Board




Senator A J H Maclean,

Minister for Treasury and Resources

Date Signed:

Date of Decision:

Jersey Teachers' Superannuation Fund: Delegation of Certain Functions from Management Board to the Treasurer of the States

Treasury and Resources

Ministerial Decision Report





  1. Purpose of Report

The delegation of certain investment powers of the Jersey Teachers’ Superannuation Fund (JTSF) Management Board to the Treasurer of the States of Jersey.

  1. Proposal to delegate investment powers

On 31 July 2013 the assets of JTSF were transferred into the States of Jersey Common Investment Fund (CIF). At that time the JTSF Management Board were unwilling to transfer responsibility for appointing and terminating investment managers. Having experienced the workings of the CIF, the Management Board are now confident to delegate some of their powers. Additionally the structure of the CIF has changed so that investment pools are split by asset class as opposed to investment manager.

Going forward the Management Board will retain the ability to allocate assets to a CIF pool but the responsibility for the appointment, termination and monthly operational monitoring of investment managers within the pool will lie with the Treasurer of the States of Jersey. This decision was agreed by the JTSF Management Board at their meeting on 29 March 2017.

3.      Recommendation

The Minister decided to approve the delegation of the responsibility for the appointment, termination and monthly operational monitoring of investment managers for the JTSF from the JTSF Management Board to the Treasurer of the States of Jersey.

4.      Reason for Decision

Under the Teachers’ Superannuation (Jersey) Law 1979, Article 2 (paragraph 2A & B) the Management Board may delegate all or any of the powers, duties or functions conferred or imposed on it. However, the Management Board shall not, without the consent of the Minister for Treasury and Resources, delegate any power, duty or function relating to the investment of money in the Fund.

Under the Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2005 Article 5 & 6 the Treasurer must ensure that any investments made are properly managed, controlled and accounted for and that the Treasurer must appoint any investment manager. The CIF is managed under this regulation and the JTSF Management Board is requesting permission to delegate the responsibility of these investment powers to the Treasurer, to bring the JTSF assets in line with the CIF.

Accordingly the Management Board has requested that the Minister for Treasury and Resources consents for these investment powers be delegated to the Treasurer of the States of Jersey. This decision was agreed by the JTSF Management Board at their meeting on 29 March 2017.

The Treasurer of the States of Jersey is advised by the Treasury Advisory Panel (TAP) on investment matters in relation to appointing and terminating of investment managers. This panel interviews prospective investment managers and makes recommendations for appointment based on information supplied by the investment advisor and the Treasury Operations Department. It also receives ongoing monitoring reports from; investment managers, Aon Hewitt (the investment Advisor) and Treasury Operations.


Due to information provided to the TAP, which is then reported to the Treasurer and the new structure of the CIF; the JTSF Management Board feel the Treasurer is best placed to appoint, terminate and provide monthly operational monitoring of investment managers. The JTSF Management Board retain other investment powers such as asset allocation and high level strategic review of investment managers.


  1. Resource Implications

All expenses are paid from investment holdings of the funds.

Report author : Head of Investment Management & Pensions

Document date : 15th May 2017

Quality Assurance / Review : Head of Decision Support

File name and path: L:\Treasury\Sections\Corporate Finance\Ministerial Decisions\DS, WR and SD\2017-0064 - JTSF Management Board delegation of investment powers

MD sponsor : Director of Accounting Services


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