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Maritime Exclusion Zone: Wreck of the P6T2

A formal published “Ministerial Decision” is required as a record of the decision of a Minister (or an Assistant Minister where they have delegated authority) as they exercise their responsibilities and powers.

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An accurate record of “Ministerial Decisions” is vital to effective governance, including:

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A decision made 22 November 2017:

Decision Reference: MD-E-2017-0041

Decision Summary Title :

Maritime Exclusion Zone – P6T2

Date of Decision Summary:

22nd November 2017

Decision Summary Author:


Policy Manager, EDTSC

Decision Summary:

Public or Exempt?


Type of Report:

Oral or Written?


Person Giving

Oral Report:


Policy Manager, EDTSC

Written Report

Title :

Harbour Master

Date of Written Report:

22nd November 2017

Written Report Author:

Harbour Master

Written Report :

Public or Exempt?




Harbours (Jersey) Regulations 1962: Maritime Exclusion Zone – Wreck of the P6T2


The Minister issued a Direction in accordance with Regulation 1(2)(a) of the Harbours (Jersey) Regulations 1962 to establish a maritime exclusion zone in Jersey territorial waters in the immediate vicinity of the wrecked motorboat P6T2 which, as at 22nd November 2017, was located at 49°09.956’N  002°13.412’W (Notice to Mariners 20 of 2017 refers). Diving, fishing, laying of static gear and trawling were to be prohibited.


This Direction was to come into force with immediate effect and until further notice.


The Minister further invited the Harbour Master to issue a suitable Notice to Mariners without delay.


Reason(s) for Decision:

The wreck constitutes a risk to navigation and has been assessed as a hazard to divers and fishermen. A survey conducted on 21st November 2017 established that the wrecked motorboat was moving dynamically with the tide.  Whereas the motorboat was lying almost horizontally on the seabed in stronger current, it was observed in an almost ‘bow upright state in slack water. The Jersey Coastguard has received evidence that divers have visited the wreck site.


Resource Implications:

There are no resource implications for the States of Jersey.

Action required:

The Harbour Master is to be notified of the Minister’s decision in order that a suitable Notice to Mariners could be issued promptly. 



Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture

Date Signed:

Date of Decision (If different from Date Signed)


Maritime Exclusion Zone: Wreck of the P6T2

Update on status of 62ft sunken motorboat ‘P6T2’


Multibeam Survey

The Marine Services team mobilised the Rival again today to go and check on the condition of the wrecked motorboat, located approximately 0.5NM south of La Moye Point, and on the seabed in a position between the two main commercial shipping channels (Western and NW Passages, south and north of wreck position respectively).


The previous survey (carried out less that 24 hrs after the vessel sunk) indicated that the vessel was lying almost level on the seabed with a minimum charted depth of 10m, in 20m water depth.


The wreck has not moved in position, however it does appear to be moving dynamically with the tide. It is suspected that an air pocket in the bow means that during slack water the vessel is almost perpendicular to the seabed, sitting on it’s stern. When the tide starts running, this pushes the vessel more to a more lateral orientation in relation to the seabed.



The greatest risk posed in terms of hazard to Navigation is when it is in a vertical position, however this is for a small amount of time. A Navigation Warning now advises commercial shipping to use the Western Passage (physically further away from the wreck than the NW Passage) during Low Water periods. VTS Officers have been briefed to provide pro-active advice and interventions to all traffic passing past the position particularly over low water.




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