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Delegated Functions - Treasury and Resources - February 2011

A formal published “Ministerial Decision” is required as a record of the decision of a Minister (or an Assistant Minister where they have delegated authority) as they exercise their responsibilities and powers.

Ministers are elected by the States Assembly and have legal responsibilities and powers as “corporation sole” under the States of Jersey Law 2005 by virtue of their office and in their areas of responsibility, including entering into agreements, and under any legislation conferring on them powers.

An accurate record of “Ministerial Decisions” is vital to effective governance, including:

  • demonstrating that good governance, and clear lines of accountability and authority, are in place around decisions-making – including the reasons and basis on which a decision is made, and the action required to implement a decision

  • providing a record of decisions and actions that will be available for examination by States Members, and Panels and Committees of the States Assembly; the public, organisations, and the media; and as a historical record and point of reference for the conduct of public affairs

Ministers are individually accountable to the States Assembly, including for the actions of the departments and agencies which discharge their responsibilities.

The Freedom of Information Law (Jersey) Law 2011 is used as a guide when determining what information is be published. While there is a presumption toward publication to support of transparency and accountability, detailed information may not be published if, for example, it would constitute a breach of data protection, or disclosure would prejudice commercial interest.

[THIS DECISION HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY MD-TR-2011-0136 - 7 NOVEMBER 2011] A decision made 3 February 2011 regarding:

Decision Reference:  MD-TR-2011-0011

Decision Summary Title:

Treasury and Resources delegated Authority – February 2011

Date of Decision Summary:

3rd February 2011

Decision Summary Author:

Head of Decision Support

Decision Summary:

Public or Exempt?


Type of Report:

Oral or Written?


Person Giving

Oral Report:


Written Report


Treasury and Resources delegated Authority – February 2011

Date of Written Report:

3rd February 2011

Written Report Author:

Decision Support Officer

Written Report :

Public or Exempt?



Treasury and Resources updated delegations as at February 2011.


The Minister decided to delegate functions detailed in the attached report (replacing January 2011 delegations) and to request that the supporting document be presented to the States at the earliest opportunity.

Reason(s) for Decision:  

To amend and replace those delegations as at January 2011 with delegations as detailed in the attached report to enable the efficient and effective management of public finances and operation of the Treasury & Resources department.

Resource Implications:


Action required:

The Greffier of the States to be asked to arrange for the attached supporting document to be presented to the States at the earliest opportunity.






Position: Senator  P F C Ozouf, Minister for Treasury and Resources



Date Signed:


Date of Decision:


Delegated Functions - Treasury and Resources - February 2011

Treasury and Resources

Ministerial Decision Report




Treasury and Resources delegated Authority – February 2011


1        Purpose of Report

To update the delegation of Ministerial powers detailed in the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 including those in Regulations approved under that Law, Financial Directions and other areas of administration.


2        Background

2.1       Under Article 27 of the States of Jersey Law a Minister may delegate, wholly or partly, functions conferred upon them by any Law to either an Assistant Minister or an officer.

2.2       Ministerial decision MD-TR-2010-0146 delegated further functions to the Deputy Treasurer and amended the Treasurer of the States’ authority for approving non-contentious budget transfers.

2.3       Ministerial decision MD-TR-2010-0188 replaced those powers delegated to Deputy John Le Fondre with Connétable John Martin Refault, the new Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources as well as extending to Connétable John Martin Refault responsibility for all matters relating to the Resources division. It also clarified the parameters by which States funded bodies be allowed to retain and use additional income.

2.4       This report seeks to amend those delegations plus those relating to GAAP budget transfers and States charges.


  1. Recommendation

The Minister is asked to approve the delegations as set out in Appendix 1 and request that the attached supporting document is presented to the States at the earliest opportunity.


  1. Reason for Decision

To amend and replace those delegations as at January 2011 with delegations as detailed in the attached report to enable the efficient and effective management of public finances and operation of the Treasury & Resources department.


  1. Resource Implications



Report author : Decision Support Officer

Document date : 3rd February 2011

Quality Assurance / Review : Head of Decision Support

File name and path: l:\treasury\sections\corporate finance\ministerial decisions\dss, wrs and sds\2011-0011 - t&r delegated authority – february 2011 - jmb\wr - tr delegated authority  february 2011 - kh.doc

MD sponsor : Treasurer of the States

 - 1 -



Unless otherwise stated, any reference to an Article in this section is a reference to the Article so numbered in the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005.  Likewise any reference to a Regulation in this section is a reference to the Regulation so numbered in the Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No.2) (Jersey) Regulations 2005.



1          Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 delegations


1.1       Annual Business Plan Estimates


Article 8 - Estimates to be provided; and

Article 10 - Estimates for the States Assembly and its services

To enable the preparation of the Annual Business Plan and Budget, the Law enables the Minister to request that estimates be provided by States funded bodies (including ministerial and non-ministerial bodies and the States Assembly) in respect of the following financial year for revenue expenditure, income, and capital projects scheduled to start or continue in that year.

In addition, the Minister can request details of income that may arise from the disposal of assets, and for any other income of the States.

The Minister may request information for other time periods and is able to specify the format and time scale to which the aforementioned estimates be provided within.


Authority is delegated to the Treasurer of the States, or in their absence, another person as nominated by the Treasurer.


1.2       Retention of Income


Article 14 - Expenditure Approval, heads of expenditure and withdrawals from the consolidated fund

Sub-paragraph 14 (6) (7) refers

This sub-paragraph of the Law empowers the Minister to authorise a States funded body to use any additional income it may generate over and above the estimate approved by the States in the Annual Business Plan.


The Minister agreed that States funded bodies be allowed to retain and use additional income in instances where:

a)        any such income and associated additional expenditure match; and

b)        the additional income is in excess of increased expenditure (i.e. additional surplus income) required to generate that income but the excess income is not more than 10% (up to a maximum of £500,000 for a States trading operation and £100,000 for all other States funded bodies) of the estimated income notified to the States for that particular service area – this additional income should not be used to fund recurring expenditure for which no future funding is secured.


Authority is delegated to the Treasurer of the States, or in their absence, another person as nominated by the Treasurer, to approve the use of additional surplus income of more than 10% (or in excess of £500,000 for a States trading operation and £100,000 for all other States funded bodies) of the estimated income notified to the States and of a non-contentious nature may be used for additional expenditure.


1.3       Non-Contentious Transfers


Article 15 – Permitted variations

Sub-paragraph 15(1)(a) refers

This sub-paragraph of the Law enables the Minister to approve the transfer of funds from one head of expenditure to another head of expenditure

(a head of expenditure being either:

  • the annual net revenue budget of a States funded body; or
  • the amount allocated for each capital project).


Authority is delegated to the Treasurer of the States, or in their absence, another person as nominated by the Treasurer, to agree any non-contentious transfers between heads of expenditure with no financial limit where the transfer is solely to ensure that financial transactions are accurately reflected in the States’ Accounts in accordance with GAAP.

Authority is delegated to the Treasurer of the States, or in their absence, another person as nominated by the Treasurer, to agree any other non-contentious transfers between heads of expenditure up to £1,000,000.

The Minister agreed that funds can be transferred, without further approval by the Minister, in instances where there is a transfer of responsibility and administration of a service which has been agreed by the States and the relevant ministers agree in respect of the funds to be transferred. Such decisions must be notified to the Treasurer.


1.4       Carry Forwards


Article 15 – Permitted variations

Sub-paragraph 15(1)(b) and 2 refers

This sub-paragraph empowers the Minister to allow a States funded body, in the case of revenue expenditure, to carry funds forward to the following financial year and report to the States, the approval given, in periods no longer than six months.


The Minister agreed that Departments can automatically carry forward to the following financial year up to 1% of their gross revenue head of expenditure or £200,000 (whichever is the larger).


1.5       Income from Asset Sales


Article 15 – Permitted variations

Sub-paragraph 15(3) refers

This sub-paragraph of the Law empowers the Minister to authorise a States funded body to make use of income from the sale of an asset for the acquisition of a replacement or other asset.


Authority is delegated to the Treasurer of the States, or in their absence another officer nominated by the Treasurer of the States, to agree non-contentious requests for the use of sale proceeds where the net balance over the residual value of the asset sold is less than £100,000.


Authority is delegated to Accounting Officers to make use of up to £5,000 of income from the sale of an asset where the net balance over the residual value of the asset sold is less than £5,000.


1.6       Borrowing


Article 22 – Minister and Treasurer may be authorized to borrow; and

Regulation 9 - authorizes the Minister to make certain borrowings in the name of, and on behalf of the States.

Regulation 10 - allows the Minister to delegate their or her power to borrow on behalf of the States to the Treasurer.

Both the Law and Regulations allow the Minister to delegate (where they so wish) to the Treasurer minor borrowing transactions which, in summary, include:

  • short-term bank overdrafts/overdraft facilities and temporary loans (these must not exceed more than 25% of the previous year’s income from taxation);
  • other minor borrowing – up to £1 million in any one transaction in a financial year so long as the total amount borrowed does not exceed £3 million in that year, the total amount outstanding in this way does not exceed £20 million and with all such borrowing having a maximum repayment period of 10 years;
  • borrowing for a States trading operation where additional income or tangible savings arising from the underlying expenditure meet the costs of the borrowing;
  • other parameters specifically agreed by the States.


Authority is delegated to the Treasurer of the States to agree short-term bank overdrafts/overdraft facilities and temporary loans within the parameters set in the Law up to £10 million.


Authority is delegated to the Treasurer of the States to agree minor borrowing up to £100,000 in any one financial year (up to a maximum of £500,000), with no transaction to exceed £10,000 and repayment periods of 5 years or less. (Treasurer is not able to delegate their borrowing responsibilities to any other officers).


1.7       Trading Operations


Article 27 - Returns of States trading operations to be agreed

sub-paragraphs (1) and (2)(a)(b)(c)(d) refer

These sub-paragraphs empower the Minister to request States trading operations to enter into discussions and provide estimates in respect of the business activities during the succeeding financial year. The estimates should include income and expenditure, estimated contribution to the income of the States, estimate of any surplus of income over expenditure or estimated deficit, to be debited to trading fund and shall take into account capital expenditure details.


Authority is delegated to the Treasurer of the States, or in their absence, another person as nominated by the Treasurer of the States, to request the necessary estimates from the States trading operations.


1.8       Bank Accounts


Article 33 – Treasurer to open bank accounts

Sub-paragraphs 33(1) and (4) refer

These sub-paragraphs allow the Treasurer to open, operate and maintain bank accounts with a bank(s) approved by the Minister for the operation of the consolidated fund and for the proper administration of this or any other Law.


Authority is delegated to the Treasurer of the States to carry out this function without recourse to the Minister, provided that any bank selected is licensed for banking services in Jersey by the Jersey Financial Services Commission.


1.9       Recharge Accounts


Article 33 – Treasurer to open bank accounts

Sub-paragraph 33 (3) refer

This sub-paragraph empowers the Minister to agree that money in the consolidated fund may be used to incur expenditure that will subsequently be recharged – for example the approval of stock accounts and other rechargeable accounts.


Authority is delegated to the Treasurer of the States, or in their absence another officer as nominated by the Treasurer of the States, to approve all rechargeable and stock accounts.


1.10 Financial Directions


Article 34 - Financial directions

This Article enables the Treasurer of the States to issue financial directions with the approval of the Minister.


Authority is delegated to the Treasurer of the States, or in their absence another person as nominated by the Treasurer, to issue Financial Directions that the Treasurer deems to be required. (This authority shall not extend to those financial directions which propose the delegation of responsibility from the Minister to an officer without the Minister having already agreed those delegations).


1.11 Trust Assets – Bank Accounts


Regulation 18 - prescribes the bank accounts that may be used for trust money.

This Regulation states that Trust money should be held in a bank account with a bank(s) approved by the Minister (unless a Trust document specifies a certain bank).


Authority is delegated to the Treasurer of the States to carry out this function without recourse to the Minister, provided that any bank selected is licensed for banking services in Jersey by the Jersey Financial Services Commission.


1.12 Trading Funds


Article 22 Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No2) ( Jersey) Regulations 2005

“Money standing to the credit of the trading fund of a States trading operation may also be used, with the approval of the Minister, for a capital project of the trading operation if –

(a) the amount approved by the States for the project as part of an annual business plan has proved to be insufficient; or

(b) the project arises from a contingency that could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time the estimates of the States trading operation were submitted to the Minister in accordance with Article 8 of the 2005 Law for inclusion as part of an annual business plan.”


Authority be delegated to the Treasurer of the States, or in their absence, another person as nominated by the Treasurer of the States for any further approvals under Article 22(2) of the Public Finances (Transitional Provisions) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 2005 where the amount concerned is less than £100,000.


1.13   Public Finances Law – General


Powers under the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005

Functions conferred on or vested in the Minister by or under the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005.


The Minister delegated of all of the functions conferred on or vested in the Minister by or under the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 including those in Regulations approved under that Law and financial directions to the Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Edward James Noel of St Lawrence.


2          Administrative delegations


2.1       States Charges


Anti-Inflation Strategy (P125/2000)

The States in the Anti-Inflation Strategy agreed that increases in States charges should be limited to a maximum of 2.5 per cent a year, with any exceptions, in extremely compelling cases only, to be subject to prior approval by the Finance and Economics Committee (now the Minister for Treasury and Resources).


Authority is delegated to the Treasurer of the States, or in their absence, another person as nominated by the Treasurer to agree non-contentious fee/charge increases which do not require subsequent States approval; or in instances where fees are being increased in line with the “User Pays” principle.


The Treasurer of the States will be able to give “blanket” approval to groups of charges in a particular year, or a single charge over a period of a number of years.


The Minister agreed that approval for increases which are in line with statute or with a formula which has already received States or their approval do not require further approval.


2.2       Coin designs


Decimal Currency (Jersey) Law 1971 – Article 3 – Coinage of the new currency

This delegation enables the Deputy Treasurer of the States to approve individual commemorative currency designs as and when they are produced.


The Minister delegated approvals of individual commemorative currency designs to the Deputy Treasurer of the States.


2.3       Non-Contentious States Manpower


P67/1999 - Regulation of Public Sector Employees

This proposition charges the Minister for Treasury and Resources to regulate the number of persons that may be employed by the States of Jersey in any area of the States administration, excluding those States’ departments that report to The States trading operations, in accordance with the principles contained within the Regulation of Undertakings legislation and the policy statement issued by the then  Finance and Economics Committee in respect of the application of the Regulation of Undertakings to the private sector, effective from 10th November 1998.


Authority is delegated to the Treasurer of the States, or in their absence, another person as nominated by the Treasurer of the States for agreeing non-contentious increases to States manpower.


2.4       Responsibility for Resources



Responsibility for all matters relating to the Resources division, including Information Services, Human Resources, Property Holdings and Procurement is delegated to the Assistant Minister, Treasury and Resources (Connétable John Martin Refault of St Peter)



3        States Standing Orders delegations


3.1       Standing Order 168


Standing Order 168

 This standing order applies to the following actions –

(a) the disposal, acquisition, letting or rental of land on behalf of the public of Jersey;

(b) the grant or acquisition of rights or servitudes over land on behalf of the public of Jersey;

(c) the renewal, extension or variation of any lease of land on behalf of the public of Jersey;

(d) the approval of plans for the construction or alterations of buildings where the work is to be funded wholly or partly by money voted by the States.


Authority is delegated to the Assistant Minister, Treasury and Resources (Connétable John Martin Refault of St Peter) all powers and responsibilities arising under Standing Order 168; and


Authority is delegated to the Accounting Officer Jersey Property Holdings or, in his absence, both the Director of Jersey Property Holdings and the Assistant Director - Strategy and Investment, Property Holdings the power to approve:

  • Any acquisition or disposal of land or property on behalf of the public for a consideration of less than £150,000;
  • Any grant or acceptance on behalf of the public of any servitude or right in, on, over or under land by way of gift or for a sum of less than £50,000 or £12,500 a year;
  • The letting on behalf of the public to any person or body for a term certain of any land or property for a rent payable on commencement of less than £50,000 a year;
  • The rent on behalf of the public  from any person or body for a term certain of any land or property for a rent payable on commencement of less than £50,000 a year; and
  • The renewal, extension or variation of any lease where the value is less than £50,000 a year.


3.2       Contract Signing


Standing Order 168 – Land transactions

Contract signing

Signing of contract on behalf of the Minister for Treasury and Resources.


For work commissioned by Property Holdings responsibility for signing the contract is delegated to:

  • The Assistant Minister, Treasury and Resources (Connétable John Martin Refault of St Peter), for contracts between £1,000,000 and £5,000,000;
  • The Accounting Officer Jersey Property Holdings or, in his absence, both the Director of Jersey Property Holdings and the Assistant Director - Strategy and Investment, Property Holdings for contracts with a value up to £1,000,000.


Power to authorise the Attorney General and the Greffier of the States to pass any contracts on behalf of the public of Jersey that may be necessary in regard to land transactions approved by the Minister or their delegates under Standing Order 168 is delegated to the Assistant Minister, Treasury and Resources (Connétable John Martin Refault of St Peter) or the Accounting Officer - Jersey Property Holdings or, in his absence, both the Director of Jersey Property Holdings and the Assistant Director - Strategy and Investment, Property Holdings.


For non Property Holdings contracts the Minister delegated responsibility for signing contracts to the Treasurer of the States.




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