Treasury and Resources
Ministerial Decision Report
Budget Transfers from CENTRAL CONTINGENCY (ONE-OFF) to cMD in relation to the london representative office
- Purpose of Report
To enable the Minister to approve a budget transfer of £210,000 from Central Contingency (one-off) to the Chief Minister’s Department (CMD) in relation to the funding of the London Representative Office in 2013, following a report that was presented to Council of Ministers on 10th July where this funding was agreed.
- Background
The States Assembly approved funding in the Medium Term Financial Plan 2013-2015 to establish a Jersey London Representative Office with recurring funding allocated from 2014 onwards. The purpose of the Office will be to strengthen relationships, promote and protect the Island’s interests, and achieve a position of influence in the UK similar to that which has been developed in Europe by the Channel Islands Brussels Office.
Prior to recurring funding starting in 2014 for the London Office, pump-priming funding is being sought to establish the Office in 2013. This proposal is supported by the Financial Services and External Relations Advisory Group (FERAG) and the Corporate Management Board (CMB).
A London Office will provide Jersey with a more structured approach to its relationship with the UK, and enable the Island to build relationships and promote its interests more actively in Whitehall, Parliament, the diplomatic community and the City of London.
The potential threats which Jersey faces are immediate and there are significant economic, political and reputational risks if the establishment of the office is delayed. These include:
- Economic: Jersey would have less protection against policy changes implemented by the UK Government (e.g. taxation and financial regulation) by not having a London presence to assert the Island’s position and influence decision-making. It would also have less capability to take advantage of inward investment opportunities.
- Political: Failure to establish a London Office in 2013 will restrict Jersey’s ability to exert any increased influence in the UK and ensure that the best interests of islanders are pursued in Westminster, Whitehall and the City of London.
- Reputational: To defend and maintain the Island’s reputation, Jersey needs to rapidly strengthen engagement in London, which would be supported by establishing the new London Office in 2013.
By providing pump-priming funding in 2013, Jersey will be able to recruit staff and establish an office by Q3 2013, which will be fully operational from the start of 2014 rather than 2015. This will allow the office to achieve effectiveness earlier, and so better manage potential risks, build important relationships with the UK, and take advantage of opportunities to develop Jersey’s economy.
Funding requirement for 2013
London Office costs to year end | Cost |
Staff | £66,000 |
Rent | £24,000 |
Spend to date | £80,000 |
Legal | £10,000 |
Spend to year end | £30,000 |
Total | £210,000 |
The Council of Ministers approved additional funding for 2013 of £432,300 with this figure being revised downwards as detailed on the above table.
3. Recommendation
The Minister is recommended to approve a budget transfer of £210,000 from Central Contingency (one-off) to the CMD revenue head of expenditure in relation to the London Representative Office in 2013.
4. Reason for Decision
Article 17(2) of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 states that the Minister for Treasury and Resources (T&R) is authorised to approve the transfer from contingency expenditure to heads of expenditure of amounts not exceeding, in total, the amount available for contingency expenditure in a financial year.
- Resource Implications
Central Contingency (one-off) to decrease by £210,000 in 2013 and the CMD revenue head of expenditure to increase by an identical amount. This decision does not change the total amount of expenditure approved by the States.
Report author : Finance Manager – Corporate Group | Document date : 25 October 2013 |
Quality Assurance / Review : Business Manager | File name and path: L:\Treasury\Sections\Corporate Finance\Ministerial Decisions\DSs, WRs and SDs\2013-0085 - Budget Transfer to CMD - London Office\WR - Budget Transfer to CMD - London Office.doc |