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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Patient travel to the UK or Guernsey

​​About patient travel

Some specialised treatments are not available in Jersey, so we have arrangements with the UK and Guernsey to provide them.

If you require treatment in Guernsey or the UK you will be referred by a Jersey Hospital consultant and we will pay for flights and some travel-related costs for you if you qualify for free hospital care.

All travel is booked through our​ Travel Office.

Patient travel policy

Residents and non-residents charging policy

Booking your flights through the Travel Office 

As soon as you have your UK hospital appointment letter, including all follow-up appointments, you need to contact our Travel Office to make your travel arrangements.

From 1 May 2019, you need to book an appointment by calling us on +44 (0) 1534 442323, from Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm.

We're located in the Gwyneth Huelin Wing of the General Hospital.

Our opening hours are:

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 10am to 2pm by appointment only
  • Wednesday, closed for visits in person
  • Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm for telephone enquiries

For urgent appointments within 48 hours only, you can come in during these opening times without a prior appointment.

Tel: +44 (0) 1534 442323 / +44 (0) 1534 442310

Fax: +44 (0) 1534 442898

Email Travel Service

Travel by sea

In most cases, you will travel to the UK by air and the most direct route possible.

If you need to travel by sea for clinical reasons, we will pay the full cost of your travel.

If you would prefer to travel by sea, but it’s not clinically necessary, we will contribute to the cost of the comparable air fare. You must pay any difference.

Accompanying passengers

We will only pay for the flights for a relative or friend accompanying you if:

  • you’re under 18 years old
  • you’re over 75 years old
  • someone needs to go with you for medical reasons and it's authorised by your consultant

Nurse and doctor escorts

If you need a medical or nursing escort, we will meet the full cost. This need is assessed by your referring consultant. 

In these cases, we will not meet the extra costs for a friend or relative to go with you.

Taxis public transport and hire cars in the UK or Guernsey

If travel to and from the airport is provided for you by the hospital you are travelling to, you should make use of that service.

If travel is not offered, you should use public transport. If public transport is not available, you can take a taxi or hire a car. You’ll need to pay for this yourself and claim it back from our Travel Office later on. Make sure you keep your receipts.

We will only reimburse taxis or hire cars when public transport does not provide a suitable alternative.

If you plan on using taxis or hire cars, you should agree this with the Travel Office before you travel.


If you're attending an outpatient appointment, you can normally return to Jersey on the same day, so overnight accommodation is not needed.

If you do need an overnight stay, discuss this with our Travel Office. We have arrangements in place for accommodation. If you choose to stay in alternative accommodation to what we offer you, we will not cover your accommodation costs.

If we do not have any arrangements in place for your accommodation, we can book you into a budget hotel. If you choose to stay in alternative accommodation to what we offer, we will refund costs up to a maximum of ÂŁ75 per night outside London and ÂŁ100 per night in central London. This cost doesn't include breakfast unless it's an all-inclusive rate.

You must provide a receipt for these costs. 

Costs for long-stay patients

If you need to stay in the UK for seven or more consecutive nights, we will pay ÂŁ10 a day towards your general expenses. This only applies if you have to stay outside a hospital environment for ongoing care and your food is not provided as part of your accommodation.

Our Travel Office will provide a claim form before you travel, which you can submit when you return. 

Keeping receipts

You must provide receipts for all claims for expenses. We may ask for further information to support claims. If you cannot provide receipts and information, we will not cover the expenses.

We reserve the right to refuse expense claims we consider excessive or unwarranted.

Costs that won’t be reimbursed

We will not pay or reimburse claims for:

  • accommodation for relatives and friends who may go with you
  • food and meals
  • private arrangements
  • care of animals
  • maintenance of property and vehicles
  • loss of earnings
  • personal possessions and baggage
  • personal money

The above list is not exhaustive. We will not refund any costs claimed that are not detailed within the policy.

Items you must take with you

You must make sure you have all the following items when you go:

  • prescribed medication in original packaging
  • medication record book
  • passport or photo ID
  • appointment letter and hospital correspondence

Travel insurance

We don't provide travel insurance. You should take out travel insurance to cover:

  • personal possessions
  • money
  • personal liability
  • insurable incidents

Interpreter and communication support

Let the Travel Office know if you need an interpreter for your appointment, so this can be arranged with the hospital you’re travelling to.

Overseas Treatments Office

Our Overseas Treatments Office handles queries or concerns if you’re travelling off-Island for treatment. It’s based at Jersey General Hospital and is separate from the Travel Office. The office is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.

Tel: +44 (0) 1534 442481

Email Overseas Treatments Office

Patient travel policy

The information on this page answers some of the frequently asked questions about patient travel to the UK or Guernsey. 

We recommend that you read the full policy before you travel.

Patient travel policy 

Receiving Social Security benefits while you're away

If you receive benefits from Social Security, you need to check whether they will be affected before you travel.

Benefits that are affected if you’re away

Home Carer’s Allowance won’t be paid to your carer if you’re in hospital for more than eight weeks in a 12 month period (from your claim start date).

If you claim Income Support, your claim might change depending on your personal circumstances and whether a partner / family member travels with you. Tell Social Security before you travel so that they can make sure that your claim is updated in advance. 

Benefits that aren’t affected

If you’re hospitalised in the UK or Guernsey, or if you’re travelling with someone who is ill, these benefits aren’t affected:

  • Old age pension
  • Short Term Incapacity Allowance(STIA)
  • Survivor’s Benefits

If you receive Long Term Incapacity Allowance (LTIA), you might be entitled to more benefit if you’re currently being awarded less than 100%, depending on your individual circumstances.

Speak to Social Security for more information.

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