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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Noise complaints

​​​What is noise pollution?

Noise pollution is regular, prolonged or sudden exposure to any unpleasant, damaging, or irritating noise above a certain level which will harm people, wildlife, or the environment. To put it simply, noise pollution is ‘unwanted sound’.

Environmental Health makes approximately 600 visits a year to assess noise. The complaints received about noise include:

  • domestic noise: barking dogs, loud music, parties etc
  • industrial and commercial noise: from machinery, such as air conditioning fans or compressors; air-source heat pumps; industrial processes for example cutting of steel; noise from licensed premises etc
  • construction site noise
  • aircraft noise: aircraft over-flying, landing, taking off and ground noise
  • road traffic noise

Make a complaint about noise pollution

If you wish to make a complaint about noise, contact Environmental Health. 

Email Environmental Health

Environmental Health also investigate complaints relating to statutory nuisances.

Statutory nuisances

Statutory Nuisances (Jersey) Law 1999 on Jersey Law website

Statutory nuisance guidelines leaflet

Noise pollution and development

If you're submitting a planning application that involves noise or dust during the demolition or construction process, you'll need to consider the effects that noise might have on nearby premises.

Pre application leaflet for developers

Is noise pollution damaging to my health?

It has long been recognised that exposure to levels of noise exceeding safe limits can be detrimental to hearing, but recently the World Health Organisation (WHO) published new findings linking exposure to excess noise to:

  • high blood pressure
  • strokes
  • heart attack
  • feeling irritated and angry
  • not being able to concentrate
  • interrupted sleep
  • hearing related conditions such as tinnitus

Noise surveys

The difficulty in defining when noise becomes a health hazard rather than a nuisance makes dealing with this issue challenging. No two people have an identical tolerance to noise, making it difficult to set an objective noise level which is safe for everyone.

To assess each case it is often necessary to measure noise accurately over a period of time using equipment capable of appropriate measurements.

A noise survey is often needed as part of a planning application / condition, such as an air handling plant (ie refrigeration or air conditioning fans). See the downloads below on noise consultants known to Environmental Health and guidance on the type of acoustic information required.

List of noise consultancies

Guidance for the Department of the Environment and noise consultants on the acoustic information required by Environmental Health

'How Environmental Health deals with noise nuisance' leaflet

Noise insulation in aircraft zones

The States of Jersey have agreed that certain zones around the airport affected by aircraft noise should not be developed at all, or developed with suitable construction / insulation protection in place to protect occupants from excessive noise. The guidance below is designed to assist developers and architects.

Guidelines for noise insulation in aircraft noise zones

Guidance on noise impacts from air source heat pumps

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