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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Dogs not allowed into Jersey

XL Bully type dogs
  • From Saturday 24 February 2024 XL Bully type dogs will require a licence to be imported or exported from Jersey.​

Import and export licences

​​Dogs that must have an import licence or export licence when entering or exiting Jersey are:

  • ​Dogo Argentino type dog
  • Fila Brasileiro (Brazilian Mastiff) type dog
  • Japanese Tosa (or Tosa) type dog
  • Pit Bull Terrier type dog
  • XL Bully type dogs

Dog types such as: 

  • ​American Staffordshire Terrier
  • American Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  • American Bulldog
  • Cane Corso
  • Presa Canario 

May fit the characteristics and measurements of an XL Bully as defined by XL Bully conformation standard​.

Dogs residing in Jersey that portray characteristics of types bred for fighting will be monitored on a case-by-case basis as they come to our attention.

XL Bully type dogs

Resident XL Bully type dogs are dogs licenced in their parish and ordinarily resident in Jersey prior to 24 February 2024. 

Export Licences for resident XL Bully type dogs

The Animal Health and Welfare team will be following the UK Government’s Guidance for enforcers: Applying the XL Bully breed type conformation standard.

Owners must obtain written confirmation from government authorities of the country of destination that the dog will be permitted entry before an export licence will be issued. This includes dogs travelling to: 

  • ​the UK
  • Guernsey
  • the Isle of Man
  • the EU (European Union)
  • further afield

The licence will be issued by Customs and Immigration Service if your application is successful.

Import Licences for resident XL Bully type dogs

Licences will only be issued to resident XL bully type dog returning to Jersey.

Resident XL Bully type dogs returning to Jersey without an import licence will be refused entry and may be seized.

Applications for licences for a resident XL Bully type dog will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Responsibilities the owner must follow as stated on the licence include:

  • ​muzzling whilst travelling
  • neutering
  • proof of third-party public liability insurance

If your dog meets the height measurements and several of the physical characteristics, it might be considered an XL Bully type dog and not allowed entry into Jersey. This includes: 

  • ​dogs that were not sold as an XL Bully breed
  • cross breeds that look more like XL Bully dogs than any other type of dog

Owners that think their pet could be confused for an XL Bully type dog when intending to travel should have their dogs: 

  • recorded measurements at hand
  • UK Kennel Club Owner Registration, meaning that your​ dog belongs to a recognised UK Kennel Club Breed​​
  • UK Kennel Club pedigree certificate​

You can contact the Animal Health and Welfare team for more information.

The ban on XL Bully dogs​ took effect in the UK on 1 February 2024, making it a criminal offence to own an XL Bully dog in England and Wales unless it ha​s a Certificate of Exemption.

You can contact us by email at​ 
List of prohibited animals in Jersey.

Know what breed you're buying

It's your responsibility to make sure you do not bring a banned dog to Jersey.

Follow these tips to help you know what breed you're buying:

  • do your research before you decide on what breed of dog you want
  • buy locally if you can or consider rescuing a dog from the JSPCA
  • if you have to buy in the UK, always buy from a respectable breeder registered with the Kennel Club
  • always visit the puppy in its home environment and ask to see the puppy's parents
  • don't buy a dog from an unknown source. It's important that you know where it comes from and where it was born
  • do your research on banned dogs so you know what types to avoid
  • ask to see pedigree papers
  • be aware that many banned dogs breeds are advertised as other breeds and the seller may try to mislead you about the animal's history, breed or pedigree
  • take extra precautions if you're buying a dog from outside of the UK. Puppy farming and smuggling is common throughout Europe

Guidance on buying a dog on GOV.UK

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