About the Affordable Housing Gateway
Our team manages the waiting list for everyone registered for affordable rented housing.
The waiting list is accessible by all affordable housing providers:
- Andium Homes
- Jersey Homes Trust
- Les Vaux Housing Trust
- FB Cottages Housing Trust
- Christians Together in Jersey Housing Trust
Housing providers
All housing providers will contact you directly when they have properties available suitable for your needs.
Types of accommodation and location
The size of property you'll be offered depends on your:
- housing needs
- circumstances at the time
- family size
The location of the property depends on what is available with the housing providers.
Definition of Affordable Housing
There are many ways to get help with housing depending on your circumstances. See
Housing Advice Service for more information and to get support.
If you're interested in buying a home but need some financial help, you may be able to apply to join an
affordable housing purchase scheme.
Affordable Housing Gateway privacy policy
Who qualifies
To qualify for affordable housing you must:
- be aged 18 or over
- have housing qualifications (Entitled status)
- have a registration card
- have savings or assets worth less than £70,000
You must also meet at least 1 of the following criteria:
- be over 25 years of age with a maximum gross income of £38,818 (single applicant) or £52,462 (joint applicant)
- have a medical, physical or mental disability and be in need of a special type of housing
- have a family with young children and have an annual household income below the limits set out in the following table:
Number of dependent children | Maximum gross annual income
Single applicant
| Joint applicant
| £38,818
| £52,462
1 child
| £61,956
| £68,960
2 children
| £76,415
| £83,288
3 or more children
| £85,132
| £92,079
Second parent/grandparent household (2 bed home)
| £61,956
| £68,960
Maximum gross annual income
If your household income is over the limits set out in the table above, you won't normally qualify for affordable housing. However, your application may still be considered if you either:
- have high childcare costs for a child under school age
- can provide a letter from your employer confirming that your income will reduce once you return to work after parental leave
Your application will be assessed against a set of criteria to place you in the appropriate priority band. Find more information on how we assess your application and bands.
Owning a property
You do not qualify for affordable housing if you own a property unless you have exceptional circumstances. Contact us to discuss further.
Expecting a child
If you're expecting a child you'll be entitled to an additional bedroom as per our bedroom policy. However, your application won't be activated until you're 24 weeks pregnant. If you're adopting or fostering a child, it won't be activated until Step 4 has been completed of Jersey's adoption or fostering processes.
You probably won't be offered accommodation until your child has arrived. This is due to the high demand for affordable housing.
Tell us if there are special reasons why you cannot stay in your current accommodation up to your due date or if it's unsuitable for new-born babies or young children. In all cases, you'll need to provide confirmation from a medical professional or supporting agency.
See how we assess your application and bands and our eligibility criteria for guidance on applicants expecting children.
Apply for affordable rented housing or a transfer
Use the form below to apply for affordable rented housing.
You can also use the form to apply for a transfer if you're already in an affordable housing property and need to move.
Once we receive your application, we will assess it and contact you with the outcome. We may arrange an appointment with you if necessary.
Apply for affordable rented housing or transfer
How we assess your application and bands
We assess and split applications into priority bands based on your needs and circumstances. Applications with the highest needs will be prioritised.
Eligibility Criteria for Renting Social Housing
Band 1 (urgent need)
You fit into this band if you're:
- under eviction notice (with a court order in place)
- in tied accommodation that is linked to your employment
- unable to live or return to your present home because of an urgent medical issue
- have no rights to stay in your current accommodation
- forced to live apart from family because your current accommodation is not suitable
- staying in a hostel or shelter type accommodation
- an existing social housing tenant who is under-occupying
- seriously overcrowded (3 children or more share 1 room)
Band 2 (moderate need)
You fit into this band if:
you're overcrowded, for example:
- children of opposite gender share a room and have an age gap of 5 years or more
- 2 children of the same gender with an age gap of 5 years or more in 1 room
- you're in poor housing standards
- you have moderate medical issues
Band 3 (low need)
You fit into this band if you're adequately housed but are unable to afford your rent without financial assistance.
Supported Housing Band
You fit into this category if you need ongoing support to live independently. If you're in this band you'll be given the same priority as Band 1.
Andium Homes manages the Supported Housing Band and you must apply via their website.
Andium Homes
Being homeless or about to become homeless
If you're eligible for rental housing through Affordable Housing Gateway, your application will be placed to Band 1 if you're homeless or are about to become homeless. However, your application will not be changed to Band 1 if you have:
- intentionally made yourself homeless
- been evicted from existing accommodation because of unacceptable behaviour or serious rental arrears
Housing providers do not have emergency accommodation. So it's important that you take every step you can before relying on affordable housing.
Speak to your landlord if:
- your lease is expiring. See if you could extend it, perhaps on a monthly basis
- you're being evicted. Let them know you've registered with affordable housing and ask if the eviction process could be delayed. Visit the
Citizens Advice website to find out your rights
- you cannot afford your rent. Ask if they can make any allowances in the short term and contact us to see if you qualify for Income Support
You should also:
- look for accommodation in the private sector
- look for short term accommodation. For example, guest houses, winter lets or hostels
- ask family or friends to help you
- tell us about any
changes in your circumstances
For anyone on the Island who is facing homelessness they should access the
Housing Advice Service for advice and support.
Waiting times to get a home
We don't know how long you'll be waiting for. Your waiting time will depend on:
- which priority band you're in
- how long you've been on the waiting list
- what type of property you need
- what type of property is available
- current demand for accommodation
Affordable Housing Gateway waiting list report
Help with paying rent
Affordable housing rents are generally discounted by 20% of the market equivalent for each property type.
If you're struggling to pay your rent, you may be entitled to receive Income Support.
How your Income Support benefit is made up
Changes in your circumstances
Tell us immediately if your circumstances change. This could affect your application or waiting time. Changes we need to know about include if you:
- have moved address
- have any medical changes
- have a marriage breakdown
- become pregnant
- have a child move out
- have a partner move out
- have a new partner
- have a change in your earnings
- inherit any property
- get any new pets
Refusing a property
You'll need to write us to explain why you have refused a property offered to you.
We'll then reassess your application to understand your reasons. If we find that the property is suitable for your housing needs, you might either:
- be moved to a lower priority band
- lose your place on the waiting list
Appeal if your application is refused
If your application is refused, you can appeal by writing to the:
Affordable Housing Gateway Team
Union Street
St Helier
A Specialist Advisor will review your application and consider any extra information you've provided. They'll let you know of the outcome.
If you're still unhappy with the decision, write to them and ask that your case is passed to the Minister for Housing and Communities for formal appeal. They'll make a final decision on whether you can be accepted onto the waiting list.
This does not affect your right to an independent review of any decision.