Details of prohibition and improvement notices that have been issued by the Health and Safety Inspectorate.
October 2024 to December 2024
Prohibition Notice
3 Prohibition Notices were served:
July to September 2024
Prohibition Notice
4 Prohibitions Notices were served:
- 4 relating to a failure to implement suitable protection measures during work at height
April to June 2024
Prohibition Notice
1 immediate Prohibition Notice was served:
- relating to a failure to provide a safe system of work for lifting during tree work
Improvement Notices
21 Improvement Notices were served:
- 7 to provide health surveillance to employees
- 2 failure to control exposure to flour and bread improver dusts
- 2 failure to control exposure to stone and brick dust
- 2 failure to control exposure to wood dust
- 1 failure to control risk to prevent persons and objects falling a distance liable to cause injury
- 1 failure to prepare a safe work method statement for work at height
- 1 failure to face fit respiratory protective equipment
- 1 failure to carry out thorough examination test on Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)
- 1 failure to control exposure to asbestos fibre and wood dust
- 1 failure to have a safe work method statement for tree work
- 1 failure to conduct a vibration risk assessment
- 1 relating to failure to store highly flammable liquids safely
January to March 2024
Prohibition Notices
4 immediate Prohibition Notices were served:
- 2 relating to a failure to provide edge protection during roof work
- 1 relating to a failure to ensure suitable measures to prevent fall from height
- 1 relating to a failure to take measures to prevent persons and object falling a distance liable to cause injury
Improvement Notices
3 Improvement Notices were served:
- 1 failure to prepare a safe work method statement for work at height
- 1 failure to control risk to prevent persons and object falling a distance liable to cause injury
- 1 failure to provide sufficient information, instruction and training
October to December 2023
Prohibition Notice
1 immediate Prohibition Notice was served:
- this related to a failure to provide edge protection during roof work
Improvement Notices
10 Improvement Notices were served:
- 1 relating to a failure to have a suitable system of planned preventative maintenance
- 2 relating to a failure to undertake lung function health surveillance
- 1 relating to a failure to appoint a health and safety project co-ordinator
- 1 relating to a failure to provide suitable welfare facilities
- 1 relating to a failure to provide a management programme specific to metal working fluids
- 1 relating to a failure to provide skin surveillance
- 1 relating to a failure in having a local exhaust ventilation system thoroughly examined
- 1 relating to a failure of not having a risk assessment specific to noise
- 1 relating to a failure in providing sufficient information, instruction and training
July to September 2023
Prohibition Notices
1 immediate Prohibition Notice was served:
- 1 relating to a failure to adequately assess the risks presented by vehicles on a construction site
Improvement Notices
4 Improvement Notices were served:
- 1 relating to a failure to prepare a sufficient risk assessment during cleaning operations
- 2 relating to failure to control exposure to silica during cutting of stonework
- 1 relating to failure to prepare a sufficient risk assessment when using vibrating hand tools
April to June 2023
Prohibition Notices
2 immediate Prohibition Notice were served:
- 1 relating to failure to provide edge protection during roof work
- 1 relating to failure to provide training and assessment for aerial tree work
Improvement Notices
No Improvement Notices were served.
January to March 2023
Prohibition Notices
1 immediate Prohibition Notice was served:
- 1 relating to risk of falls during work at height in construction work
Improvement Notices
No Improvement Notices were served.
October to December 2022
Prohibition Notices
6 immediate Prohibition Notices were served:
- 3 relating to a failure to properly maintain equipment at a swimming pool, which exposed users to the risk of injury
- 1 relating to a failure to follow a safe system of work whilst brake testing in a commercial vehicle workshop
- 1 relating to a failure to guard the dangerous parts of a mixer in a commercial kitchen
- 1 relating to a gas work carried out by an engineer without registration on the Gas Safe Register
Improvement Notices
3 Improvement Notices were served:
- failure to provide a suitable and sufficient written risk assessment surrounding the external gates at a school
- failure to conduct and record the findings of a suitable and sufficient risk assessment for a vehicle workshop
- failure to have suitable and sufficient management controls for non-routine operations on pipelines
1 Improvement Notice was also served in October 2022 but inadvertently omitted from the previous quarterly report. This was served due to a failure to manage foreseeable and significant risks of violence and aggression to staff.
July to September 2022
Prohibition Notices
2 immediate Prohibition Notice were served:
Improvement Notices
2 Improvement Notices were also served:
1 relating to a failure to provide suitable and sufficient training to employees whose work could forseeably expose them to asbestos (asbestos awareness training)
1 relating to a failure to assess the risks presented by underground services and provide a safe system of work during excavation
April to June 2022
Prohibition Notices
1 immediate Prohibition Notice was served:
- relating to unsafe work at height on a construction site
Improvement Notices
6 Improvement Notices were also served:
- 3 relating to a failure to provide appropriate training to employees involved in the removal of non-licensed asbestos-containing materials
- 1 relating to a failure to provide suitable and sufficient training to employees whose work could foreseeably expose them to asbestos (asbestos awareness training)
- 1 relating to a failure to assess the risks presented by underground services and provide a safe system of work when operating an excavator
- 1 relating to a failure to provide adequate welfare facilities on a construction site
January to March 2022
Prohibition Notices
1 immediate Prohibition Notice was served:
- relating to work on an incomplete and uninspected scaffold on a construction site
Improvement Notices
7 Improvement Notices were also served:
- 1 relating to a failure to have adequate training to use a chainsaw at work
- 1 relating to a failure to provide adequate welfare facilities in a workplace
- 1 relating to a failure to maintain an electrical system in a workplace in a safe condition
- 1 relating to a failure to provide asbestos awareness training to employees in the construction industry
- 1 relating to a failure to provide adequate training for the removal of non-licensed asbestos in the construction industry
- 1 relating to a failure to produce a written statement of a company’s health and safety policy
- 1 relating to a failure to prepare a risk assessment for a restaurant / café business
October to December 2021
Prohibition Notices
2 immediate Prohibition Notices were served:
- 1 relating to risk of falls during work at height in construction work
- 1 relating to the risk of collapse of an unsupported excavation
Improvement Notices
3 Improvement Notices were also served:
- 1 relating to a failure to provide adequate welfare facilities on a construction site
- 1 relating to failure to prepare a written statement of general policy with respect to health and safety
- 1 relating to poor storage of highly flammable liquids
July to September 2021
Prohibition Notices
3 immediate Prohibition Notices were served:
Improvement Notices
3 Improvement Notices were also served:
April to June 2021
Prohibition Notices
3 immediate Prohibition Notices were served:- 1 relating to risk of falls during work at height in construction work
- 1 relating to inadequate arrangements to minimise the spread of COVID-19 on construction sites
- 1 relating to inadequate welfare and arrangements to minimise the spread of COVID-19 on construction sites
Improvement Notices
1 Improvement Notices was also served:- 1 relating to a failure to risk assess and to implement a safe system of work for the operation of the towing tractor
January to March 2021
Prohibition Notices
12 immediate Prohibition Notices were served:
- 2 relating to risk of falls during work at height in construction work
- 7 relating to inadequate arrangements to minimise the spread of Covid-19 on construction sites
- 1 relating to a failure to close a business premises when opening was prohibited under Covid-19 restrictions
- 2 relating to failures by workers to wear a mask or visor when required to be worn as a condition of opening under Covid-19 restrictions
Improvement Notices
7 Improvement Notices were also served:
- 2 relating to a failure to provide adequate welfare facilities in a workplace
- 1 relating to a failure to have an electrical system maintained and inspected
- 1 relating to a failure to have a pressure vessel inspected under a written scheme of examination
- 1 relating to a failure to adequately assess the risks presented by vehicular traffic in a workplace
- 1 relating to a failure by a worker to wear a mask or visor in a food and drink premises when required as a condition of opening under Covid-19 restrictions
- 1 relating to a failure to prepare a written safe work method statement for work with asbestos
2016 to 2020
October to December 2020
Prohibition Notices
11 immediate Prohibition Notices were served:
- 5 relating to unsafe work at height on construction sites
- 3 relating to unsafe access and egress to work at height on construction sites
- 2 relating to a failure to manage the risk of transmission of Coronavirus
- 1 relating to a failure to manage the risks arising from an excavation on a construction site
Improvement Notices
6 Improvement Notices were also served:
- 2 relating to failures to provide adequate welfare facilities to manage the risk of Coronavirus on construction sites
- 2 relating to a failure to guard crocodile shears in a scrap metal yard
- 1 relating to a failure to implement a contact tracing system in a food and drink premises
- 1 relating to a failure to manage the risk to existing gas fittings in construction work
July to September 2020
Prohibition Notices
7 immediate Prohibition Notices were served:
- 6 relating to unsafe work at height on construction sites
- 1 relating to failure, by a licensed establishment, to manage the risk of transmission of COVID-19 taking into account Public Health guidance at Level 1 of the Safe Exit Framework
Improvement Notices
9 Improvement Notices were also served:
- 3 relating to failures to provide adequate welfare facilities on construction sites
- 2 relating to insufficient measures being in place to ensure that live electrical services were removed, disconnected or isolated before buildings were demolished
- 1 relating to a failure of a Principal Contractor to adequately monitor and supervise the work of employees and contractors on a construction site
- 1 relating to a failure to provide training to the operators of lift trucks
- 1 relating to the failure of an employer with more than 5 employees to adequately assess the significant risks to which employees are exposed whilst at work
April to June 2020
Prohibition Notices
12 immediate Prohibition Notices were served:
- 6 relating to unsafe work at height on construction sites
- 1 relating to an unsafe and unguarded table saw on a construction site
- 1 relating to unacceptable standards of housekeeping on a construction site
- 1 relating to unsafe access and egress to work at height on a construction site
- 1 relating to a failure to implement a safe system of work whilst painting a house
- 2 relating to inadequate measures being taken to minimise the spread of COVID-19 on construction sites
Improvement Notices
2 Improvement Notices were also served:
- both related to a failure to provide adequate welfare arrangements on construction sites
January to March 2020
Prohibition Notices
6 immediate Prohibition Notices were served:
- 3 relating to unsafe work at height on construction sites
- 2 relating to unsafe access and egress to work at height on construction sites
- 1 relating to unsafe work on utilities in an excavation with inadequate shoring
Improvement Notices
9 Improvement Notices were also served:
- 3 relating to guarding of power guillotines in engineering workshops
- 2 relating to control of exposure to welding fume in engineering workshops
- 1 relating to a hotel employing more than 5 people that had failed to prepare a written statement of the employer’s policy with respect to health and safety
- 1 relating to the use of a chainsaw in horticulture without appropriate training
- 1 relating to a failure to control the risk of falling objects on a construction site
- 1 relating to a failure to keep a construction site orderly and tidy by actively managing housekeeping
October to December 2019
Prohibition Notices
9 immediate Prohibition Notices were served:
- 3 relating to unsafe work at height on construction sites
- 2 relating to unsafe work at height whilst carrying out roof repairs
- 1 relating to unsafe work at height whilst decorating the exterior of a property
- 1 relating to unsafe work at height whilst power washing the roof of a hotel
- 1 relating to a failure to adequately guard a table saw on a construction site
- 1 relating to a failure to adequately guard a bandsaw used in a butcher’s shop
Improvement Notices
2 Improvement Notices were also served:
- both notices related to hotels employing more than five people that had failed to prepare a written statement of the employer’s policy with respect to health and safety
July to September 2019
Prohibition Notices
11 immediate Prohibition Notices were served:
- 5 relating to unsafe work at height on construction sites
- 1 relating to the risks of falling into an excavation
- 1 relating to the risk of a collapse of an excavation
- 1 relating to failure to properly plan work at height
- 1 relating to unsafe access and egress onto a scaffold
- 1 relating to an unsafe electrical distribution system on a construction site
- 1 relating to unsafe removal, handling and storage of asbestos cement
Improvement Notices
8 Improvement Notices were also served:
- 1 requiring adequate welfare facilities for workers on a construction site
- 1 requiring a written Construction Phase Plan
- 1 requiring a sufficient risk assessment of general risks be carried out
- 1 requiring a risk assessment for the use of a vehicle tail-lift
- 1 requiring an electrical system to be tested so as to prevent danger
- 1 requiring a written scheme of examination for a pressure vessel
- 1 requiring thorough examination of a lifting appliance (fork lift truck)
- 1 requiring a safe system of work for excavation into a hillside
April to June 2019
Prohibition Notices
7 immediate Prohibition Notices were served:
4 resulting from poorly planned construction work at height leading to a risk of falls from unprotected edges
1 resulting from a failure to provide safe access and egress to a place of work at height
1 for a failure to control the risk of falls from height during the erection of a temporary roof scaffold
in addition, 1 was served for failure to guard the dangerous part of a commercial food mixer
Improvement Notices
2 Improvement Notices were also served:
1 for failure to have a safe system of work whilst excavating near to buried utilities
1 for failure to produce a safe work method statement, design and calculations for a temporary support to a structure during construction
January to March 2019
Prohibition Notices
12 immediate Prohibition Notices were served:
- 6 resulting from poorly planned construction work at height leading to a risk of falls from unprotected edges
- 3 relating to unsafe access onto and around a construction site, including areas where work at height was taking place
- 1 relating to a risk of falls from a poorly maintained scaffold on a construction site
- 1 relating to inappropriate use of a tower scaffold leading to unsafe work at height
- 1 relating to unsafe access onto and around a construction resulting from a risk of falls through open joists
Improvement Notices
6 Improvement Notices were served:
- 1 for failure to review and revise the significant risks to health and safety presented by scaffolding erection and dismantling
- 1 for failure to make a sufficient assessment of the risks relating to segregation of pedestrians, traffic and plant on a construction site
- 1 for failure to provide a safe work method statement with regard to the use of mobile powered plant on a construction site
- 1 for failure to prepare a Construction Phase Plan prior to commencement of construction work
- 1 for failure to provide adequate welfare facilities on a construction site
- 1 for failure to have in place sufficient systems to ensure that construction work does not affect the safety of existing gas appliances
July to December 2018
Prohibition Notices
18 immediate Prohibition Notices were served:
- 13 relating to unsafe work at height in the construction industry
- 1 relating to the failure to provide safe access and egress to scaffold
- 1 relating to the failure to provide a safe scaffold
- 1 relating to the failure to maintain an electrical system in good repair and working order
- 1 relating to the failure to implement a safe system of work for washing windows
- 1 relating to the failure to implement a safe system of work to clean guttering
Improvement Notices
5 Improvement Notices were served for the failure to:
- comply with the duties placed on the client for construction work
- produce a specific design for a temporary roof scaffold
- maintain gas appliances
- provide adequate welfare amenities on a construction site
- prepare a Construction Phase Plan prior to construction work starting
January to June 2018
Prohibition Notices
7 immediate Prohibition Notices were served:
- 2 preventing the spraying of isocyanate containing paint in the motor industry without adequate safeguards and the correct respiratory protection
- 2 relating to the use of machinery where adequate precautions had not been taken to prevent access to dangerous parts of the machine
- 1 relating to unsafe work at height whilst conducting roof repairs
- 1 relating to unsafe work at height whilst power washing a roof
- 1 relating to insufficient measures taken to protect the public whilst erecting scaffolding
Improvement Notices
13 Improvement Notices were served:
- 3 for failure to adequately manage violence and aggression and ensure a safe environment in a healthcare setting
- 4 for failure to have LEV thoroughly examined and tested in relation to the control of substances hazardous to health
- 1 for failure to provide and record training in woodworking machinery
- 2 for failure to provide employees with asbestos awareness training in the construction industry
- 3 for failure to adequately plan, manage and monitor construction projects
July to December 2017
Prohibition Notices
7 immediate Prohibition Notices were served:
- 2 relating to unsafe work at height in the construction industry
- 1 preventing the spraying of isocyanate containing paint in the motor industry without adequate safeguards
- 1 relating to the failure to provide and ensure appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) was worn during chainsaw operations
- 1 for failure to ensure suitably trained operatives adhere to a safe system of work when drilling holes in asbestos cement
- 1 preventing work on asbestos containing materials without proper training
- 1 relating to an unsafe system of work whilst hedge cutting
Improvement Notices
3 Improvement Notices were served for the failure to:
- provide employees with asbestos awareness training
- plan, manage and monitor construction projects
- provide appropriate training for chainsaw operations
January to June 2017
Prohibition Notices
15 immediate Prohibition Notices were served:
8 relating to the failure to provide suitable or sufficient measures to prevent a fall when working at height
1 prohibiting the use of a defective passenger lift in an apartment block
1 prohibiting the use of unsafe skip lifting equipment on a vehicle
1 relating to the failure by a licensed asbestos removal contractor to carry out licensed asbestos removal work, in accordance with the terms and conditions of its licence
1 relating to the failure by a licensed asbestos removal contractor to ensure a decontamination unit, which met the required standard, was provided during licensed asbestos removal work
1 relating to aerial tree work being undertaken in an unsafe manner with no provision for aerial rescue
1 relating to the failure to provide and ensure appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) was worn during chainsaw operations
1 relating to the failure to ensure those carrying out aerial tree work had been provided with appropriate training
Improvement Notices
7 Improvement Notices were served for the failure to:
provide suitable and sufficient supervision and monitoring in a joinery workshop
have a written health and safety policy
have suitable arrangements to certify employees as competent to operate construction plant
provide employees with asbestos awareness training
provide appropriate training for chainsaw operations
ensure that arrangements were in place for a scaffold to be inspected by a competent person at least every seven days
plan, manage and monitor construction projects
July to December 2016
Prohibition Notices
4 immediate Prohibition Notices were served during this period, which legally prohibited the activity continuing until the appropriate steps had been taken to address the failings;
1 prohibiting the use of a defective passenger lift in a retail store
2 relating to roof work where no steps had been taken to prevent persons falling a distance of greater than 6 feet 6 inches from the roof edge
1 relating to aerial tree work being undertaken in an unsafe manner, including a failure to have an appropriate rescue climber on site
Improvement Notices
2 Improvement Notices were served, which legally required the duty holder to remedy a breach of the Law within a specified time period:
January to June 2016
Prohibition Notices
6 Prohibition Notices were served;
- 1 prohibiting the use of a defective vehicle lift
- 1 prohibiting the use of a poorly maintained stepladder
- 4 relating to work where no, or insufficient, steps had been taken to prevent exposure to a fall from a height of more than six feet six inches
Improvement Notices
27 Improvement Notices were served, of which 23 Notices relating to the training of operatives:
- 10 Notices relating to the failure to provide refresher training in the use of chainsaws when carrying out aerial tree work*
- 10 Notices relating to the failure to provide refresher training in aerial rescue during aerial tree work*
- the failure to provide rescue climbers with aerial rescue training during aerial tree work*
- the failure to provide refresher training to scaffold operatives
- the failure to provide training to plant operators
* These Notices were all served in connection with a targeted initiative of the local arboriculture industry. A separate article regarding this initiative is published on the website.
The remaining four Notices were served as follows:
- 2 Notices relating to the failure to prepare a written Health and Safety Policy
- the failure to assess the risks associated with demolition, including electricity and gas supplies
- the failure to assess the risks associated with operatives and traffic operating in the same area