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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Visual census report released

16 January 2013

A visual report on data from the 2011 Jersey census has been published by the States of Jersey Statistics Unit.
The report presents information from the census on a series of coloured maps of the Island, to give a geographical display of the characteristics of Jersey residents and housing.
It covers topics such as how many people travel to work by bus from different parts of the Island, and how the population density varies across Jersey.
Dr Duncan Gibaut, Chief Statistician at the States of Jersey Statistics Unit said “The visual report provides a valuable alternative view of the census data, and makes the information more accessible.”
“Behind the report is an interactive tool which will help government departments to understand geographical patterns of their service users.”
Jersey’s resident population was measured as 97,857 by the census which was held on 27 March 2011. The entire census project was run on-Island and in house by the States of Jersey Statistics Unit.
The interactive census map tool allows the user to select census topics to display on coloured maps of the Island.
The map tool works best with Microsoft Excel version 2007 or later. The interactive tool contains macros so please make sure that macros are enabled on your computer.
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