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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Get involved in green travel fortnight

06 May 2014

​​Pupils across Jersey are being encouraged to make a greener travel choice and to walk, cycle, catch a bus or share a lift during Green Travel Fortnight.

It's the fourth year of the campaign, which takes place between Monday 12 May and Friday 23 May. This year's focus is on all forms of green travel. The main activity for primary schools will involve pupils using cut outs, which represent parts of a green travel superhero. If pupils travel to school on each school day of the fortnight in a green way they will eventually make their own sustainable superhero and will receive a travel badge. They might even get a visit from their superhero.

At secondary schools, a Minutes in Motion challenge encourages pupils to record their green travel over a period of 10 days and earn points depending on what method of travel they choose. Top scorers will be entered into a draw to won a prize and house points from their school. All schools can award participating pupils with a certificate.

Organisers are giving free classroom resources to primary and secondary schools to encourage participation and hope that at least 25 schools participate this year. Schools have also been asked to track their progress using a travel survey and will be able to use the results to update their school travel plan and annual review.
Minister of Transport and Technical Services, Deputy Kevin Lewis, said, “Green Travel Fortnight is a great way to help schools raise awareness and focus attention on school traffic congestion which is a significant issue. During school holidays rush hour traffic on our roads drops by about 15 per cent.
"As part of the Sustainable Transport Policy, my department is trying to address the congestion problem with the introduction of school travel plans to relieve traffic at school gates at drop-off and pick-up times. We have so far helped 28 schools to complete their own individual school travel plans and a further eight plans are in development.”
Minister for the Department of the Environment, Deputy Rob Duhamel said “We very much hope that all schools, their pupils and families will take part in the campaign to promote greener, safer, and healthier journeys. Transport is one of the nine key topic areas in the Eco Schools Programme.
“This annual campaign aims to encourage those who can, to try walking or cycling to school, and to encourage those that live too far away to think about taking the bus, or car-sharing.”
The campaign is timed to coincide with national walk to school week in the UK (19-23 May) and is also part of the Eco-Active Schools Framework.
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