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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

2016 news

  • Water quality update

    28 April 2016
    Ongoing water sampling by the Department of the Environment and Jersey Water indicates that traces of pesticides are still being found but that the drinking water remains safe
  • Planning Committee decisions on rural businesses

    22 April 2016
    Planning Committee decisions on rural businesses Jerseyā€™s Planning Applications Committee yesterday considered two applications for new businesses in the countryside
  • Water quality update

    15 April 2016
    Ground water supplies continue to be within the World Health Organisation-based standard limits, but additional chemicals have been detected in untreated surface water sources
  • Proud of You campaign cleans up

    15 April 2016
    A 2015 eco active Proud of You (for picking up my poo) campaign has won a major national award
  • Animal health law approved

    13 April 2016
    Jerseyā€™s States has approved a new law which updates current controls on animal health to prevent the introduction and spread of animal diseases which have major economic impact or can be transmitted to humans
  • Grantez public inquiry reminder

    07 April 2016
    A reminder that the deadline for submissions to the public inquiry into the Grantez glasshouses application is Friday 8 April
  • Jersey host International fishing conference

    04 April 2016
    Fishermen and their representatives from Belgium France, Ireland, the Netherlands, the UK, as well as the Channel Islands will be attending the meeting.
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