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Chief Minister visits China and Singapore

04 November 2019

Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondre

The Chief Minister is leading his second official delegation to China this week (4-8 November).  Senator John Le Fondré’s outbound visit will see him visit Beijing, Shanghai & Hong Kong to develop Jersey’s political relationships with key international partners. 

Senator Le FondrĂ© will look to expand the breadth of areas of interest between Jersey and China, which already include cooperation on financial services, wider commercial relationships, educational collaboration and artistic exchanges. 

In Beijing, among other calls, Senator Le Fondré will meet Chinese officials to discuss the existing educational links between the jurisdictions and to explore opportunities for new partnerships and exchange programs.

Jersey has strong educational links with China which it is keen to develop. Since 2010, Hautlieu School has been twinned with Beijing Bayi Middle School, attended by Chinese President Xi Jinping in his youth. Hautlieu was also awarded the 1000th Confucius classroom in 2015 in a ceremony in London presided over by President Xi.

Jersey College for Girls is twinned with Shanghai No. 3 Girls Middle School, and students from both schools participate in annual exchanges, giving Jersey students a valuable opportunity to experience the Chinese education system and learn more about Chinese culture.

Jersey’s Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills (CYPES) is actively seeking links with international partners like China, and more Jersey schools are interested in developing relationships with Chinese schools.

In Hong Kong, Senator Le FondrĂ© will refresh existing government and commercial links by meeting representatives from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Hong Kong government, the Chamber of Commerce and the British Consulate. He will also attend and deliver a keynote speech at the 10th Anniversary celebrations of the Jersey Finance Hong Kong office.  

Senator Le Fondré said “This latest delegation to China explores connections to the Island through financial services, trade, education and artistic links. We want to strengthen and broaden Jersey’s relationship with China, become a more visible partner and continue to be recognised as a high-value and well-regulated financial centre.

“I hope we can also discuss new areas for cooperation both within financial services, as well as in other commercial, digital, educational and cultural sectors.”

The Chief Minister will also visit Singapore, where he will meet representatives from the financial services sector, as well as the British High Commissioner.  He will emphasise Jersey’s commitment to furthering its relationship in financial services and discuss opportunities to enhance links between the two jurisdictions.

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