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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

E-bike scheme update

30 August 2019

More than 56 islanders have bought electric bikes under a new e-bike scheme since it was launched less than two weeks ago. A further 238 people have applied for grants but haven't bought their bikes yet.

The scheme offers a discount of ÂŁ150 per e-bike to Jersey residents who buy a new or second e-bike at participating Jersey-based bike shops.

The total number of grants to be allocated is 333, after which a waiting list allows a further 50 applicants to have the opportunity receive a grant. If any of the original 333 applicants decide not to take up the opportunity to buy an e-bike, or have allowed the redemption period of three months to elapse, then the further 50 applications will then be considered. 

The waiting list of 50 applicants will receive a code if a grant becomes available.
Once the waiting list is full, all further applicants will receive an automated e-mail to confirm the scheme has closed.

Deputy Kevin Lewis, Minister for Infrastructure said: “Islanders have jumped on the opportunity to apply for a grant under the new e-bike scheme. Once again the scheme is proving popular and for the first-time islanders can receive a grant towards the purchase of a second-hand bike.”

“We will of course be monitoring any changes in commuter habits and finding out how islanders feel about using e-bikes as a more sustainable form of transport.”

Any original applicants who do not wish to use their grant within the 3-month redemption period are encouraged to email confirming their name and unique grant code number.

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