19 May 2021

The Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf, has lodged a proposition asking the States Assembly to approve new regulations on the branding of tobacco packaging.
If approved, the Regulations (which will come under the Restriction on Smoking (Jersey) Law 1973), will repeal the Restriction on Smoking (Warning Notices) (Jersey) Regulations 2011, which set out previous requirements for use of EU picture warnings.
The new regulations make provisions to incorporate new Australian Government picture warning notices, and include other provisions around the size of warnings, ensuring plain, standardised, packaging, and additional signposting to local Help 2 Quit stop smoking support services in Jersey and Guernsey.
The Minister for Health and Social Services said: "Smoking is harmful to public health and it is important Jersey aligns with the UK and other jurisdictions who have already implemented these restrictions to help combat the problem.
"Ensuring that tobacco is packaged in plain and in uniform branding rather than unique designs across different brands has been proven to help with encouraging people to give up."
The regulations would apply to all tobacco-based products to include cigars, smokeless tobacco, as well as herbal products for smoking. Manufacturers and retailers will be required to ensure all packages being produced and sold are plain and in line with the new guidelines.
It is intended that the States Assembly will debate the proposition in July 2021.