19 November 2021

Victoria College was delighted to welcome Children and Education Minister, Deputy Scott Wickenden, Connétable of St Peter, Richard Vibert, and Group Director of Education, Sean O'Regan, to visit in person on Friday 12 November. During the morning they met and spoke with students from Years 7 and 8, toured our school site, visited lessons in Year 7 and 11 Science, Year 13 Politics and Year 7 French, and heard from one of Year 12 students who works in advocacy of reducing food poverty on Island.
Deputy Wickenden, who has been visiting both primary and secondary schools and planning future visits to all Jersey schools, said: "It was an insightful visit to Victoria College and what struck me was the culture of kindness around the school. I would like to congratulate the new headteacher and his staff who have worked hard with students to help them understand impact of kindness, updating their behaviour policies, modelling best behaviours and introducing a PSHE programme with Jersey College for Girls. I look forward to continuing my visits to more Jersey schools to meet with both staff and students to see their education experiences first-hand and hear what their priorities are."
Victoria College Headteacher, Gareth Hughes, said: "It was a pleasure to have those working at the highest level in education on Island come in to see how our school lives and breathes on a daily basis. Our guests listened carefully and took a genuine interest in the priorities laid out by our school leaders, which are focused on the quality of education and our children's learning. I look forward to working closely with the Government going forward, and will continue to represent the views of the Victoria College community to help inform their decision making."