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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Assistant Ministers are appointed

15 July 2022

The Chief Minister, Deputy Kristina Moore, has announced the names of the States Members who will serve as Assistant Ministers in the new government.

Deputy Moore, who is the first woman to hold the post of Chief Minister, has appointed two Assistant Chief Ministers - Connétable Andy Jehan and Deputy Alex Curtis.

Deputy Moore said: "This is a strong and diverse team of Assistant Ministers, and I am very pleased they have agreed to serve as key members of the Government. They add to the talent and different perspectives that we have on the Council of Ministers, and we will work together for the good of all Islanders to meet the challenges we face and to put Jersey back on track.

"This will be a government that will strive to be open, visible and accessible and will listen to all members of our community. Assistant Ministers will play a central part in meeting these objectives."

Several Assistant Ministers have been given more than one portfolio, to ensure that the Government is co-ordinated and better equipped to deliver the cross-cutting change that Islanders voted for. Further appointments may be made in due course, as transfers of policy responsibilities are confirmed.

Deputy Moore added: "We will now embark on our plan for the first 100 days, our mini-budget to address the cost-of-living crisis, and setting our strategic priorities.

"I look forward to continuing to work across the Assembly, and constructively with Scrutiny, as we take this work forward, rebuilding trust and making Jersey a better place to live for everyone."

MinisterAssistant Minister(s)

Chief Minister

Deputy Kristina Moore of St Mary, St Ouen and St Peter

ConnĂ©table Andy Jehan of St John

Deputy Alex Curtis of St Clement

Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture

Deputy Kirsten Morel of St John, St Lawrence and Trinity

Deputy Lucy Stephenson of
St Mary, St Ouen and St Peter

Deputy Alex Curtis of St Clement

Minister for External Relations

Deputy Philip Ozouf of St Saviour


Minister for Children and Education

Deputy Inna Gardiner of St Helier North

Connétable Richard Vibert of
St Peter

Deputy Louise Doublet of
St Saviour

Minister for the Environment

Deputy Jonathan Renouf of St Brelade

Deputy Hilary Jeune of St John,
St Lawrence and Trinity

Minister for Health and Social Services

Deputy Karen Wilson of St Clement

Deputy Rose Binet of Grouville and St Martin

Minister for Home Affairs

Deputy Helen Miles of St Brelade

Deputy Hilary Jeune of St John,
St Lawrence and Trinity

Deputy Louise Doublet of
St Saviour

Minister for Housing and Communities

Deputy David Warr of St Helier South


Minister for Infrastructure

Deputy Tom Binet of St Saviour

Deputy Steve Ahier of St Helier North

Minister for International Development

Deputy Carolyn Labey of Grouville and St Martin

​Minister for Social Security

Deputy Elaine Millar of St John, St Lawrence and Trinity

​Deputy Malcom Ferey of St Saviour

​Minister for Treasury and Resources

Deputy Ian Gorst of St Mary, St Ouen and St Peter

​Connétable Richard Vibert of

St Peter

Deputy Elaine Millar of St John,
St Lawrence and Trinity

Deputy Steve Ahier of
St Helier North

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