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Government of

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Minister meets with French Secretaries of State

20 December 2022

​Yesterday the Minister for External Relations, Deputy Philip Ozouf, met with the French Minister of State for Europe, Ms. Laurence Boone, and the French Secretary of State for the Sea, Mr. HervĂ© Berville in Paris. 

The meeting – which was held at the Ministry for Europe & Foreign Affairs – focused on a range of mutual areas of interest, including fisheries; energy cooperation; inbound travel arrangements for French visitors; tourism; trade; education; and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. 

Upon his return to the Island, the Minister commented:

“It was great to meet with Ms. Boone and Mr. Berville in Paris. This is a meeting I have been eager to have, as there are several areas on which further discussions were useful - notably fisheries and the ongoing challenges faced by French nationals wishing to visit the Island. 

“Having the opportunity to discuss these matters in person, face-to-face, is invaluable. We made progress on several matters that may not have been possible otherwise. I would also like to thank the British Embassy in Paris for their continued support.

“Strengthening and developing our relations with France, across a range of different sectors and areas of mutual interest, is a core objective within our new Common Policy for External Relations. It is also of great personal importance too. 

“I am looking forward to building upon what we have achieved so far and continuing our efforts into the New Year”. - ends - Notes to Editor

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