06 July 2023
A plan outlining actions for improvements in the Government of Jersey’s Planning services has
been published by the Minister for Environment, Deputy Jonathan Renouf.
In May, an independent review of Planning services carried out by former Chief Planner to the
Scottish Government, Jim Mackinnon CBE, was published. The Minister, in his initial response to the
report, committed to producing a more detailed implementation plan, setting out how the
recommendations will be actioned.
The plan, published today, addresses all the recommendations made and outlines a series of key
actions, with target dates and milestones.
Since the Independent Review was released, a number of immediate steps have already been made
including the reintroduction of a duty officer at Customer and Local Services, for customers to
book appointments for planning and building application advice. A new Head of Development and
Land, and a Senior Regulatory Improvement Officer for licencing and applications have recently
been appointed.
Minister for the Environment, Deputy Jonathan Renouf, said: “In May, the independent review of
the Planning services was published. I accepted all the recommendations put forward by Mr
Mackinnon, in full, and committed to publishing a detailed plan with actions to ensure these
recommendations are met and that we’re held accountable with clear target dates.
“I am pleased to now publish this Improvement Plan and also pleased to note that a number of the
actions are already completed. There is a great deal of work still to do, but the publication of this
plan sets out the way in which we aim to tackle the issues raised by Mr Mackinnon.
“I will continue to work with stakeholders to make progress and to keep the public informed as we
work to fulfil the actions outlined in the plan.”