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Ministerial letters on transfer of responsibility for financial portfolio

06 February 2023

ā€‹Dear Chief Minister 

Thank you for your time earlier today.

As Chief Minister you have rightly set out the need for a government that delivers for Jersey and conducts itself against the highest standards. I accept that this requirement extends to both professional and personal affairs. 

Recent oversights in the administration of my personal affairs should not have occurred and I apologise for this. Personal matters need to be dealt with properly and pressures of work are not an acceptable reason for letting matters slip. I recognise that being in public office requires the need to maintain the highest of standards of personal administration. This is a requirement of all ministers including myself. I have undertaken to you not to allow issues of this nature to re-occur.

Following the last election, in July 2022 you proposed me as Minister for External Relations to a role which also encompassed ministerial responsibility for financial services but with the intention that ministerial responsibility for financial services would be transferred. I accepted the terms of your original nomination. As we have discussed, recent events serve as a catalyst for concluding the proposed transfer. Your decision to transfer oversight of financial services matters to the Chief Ministerā€™s department with a joint team of ministers performing the relevant ministerial functions is welcome and one that I fully support.

The sector is of fundamental importance to the people of Jersey whose future depends on jobs. The continued success of our Island is based on the continued success of trade-in services.

Having discharged the role of Minister for External Relations and Financial Services, I am writing separately as to lessons learnt setting out my suggestions as to how the financial services policy responsibilities might be handled, strengthened and improved to ensure the executive delivers on the priorities which have been approved by the States Assembly in the Plan for Government 2023-26.

My focus and work as External Relations Minister will continue with unswerving commitment. There is an ongoing and significant agenda. Strengthening relations with the UK and France, opening up new markets and building broad-based relationships with key economic partners are so important to the whole Island. In addition, External Relations' ongoing work concerning sanctions will continue. I hope the work that I have already done demonstrates my ability to deliver for the people of Jersey.

I hugely appreciate the opportunity of serving and delivering for Jersey as an elected representative of St Saviour. Moreover, as a collegiate member of the government which has considerable challenges. I am confident in its strength and depth and energised with your focus on delivery. 

 I personally wish to thank you, members of the Council and the Assembly as well as the public for their understanding of the issues that should not have emerged.

Kind regards

Deputy Philip Ozouf 

Minister for External Relations & Financial Service

Dear Philip,

You have approached your role as Minister for External Relations and Financial Services with energy and dedication and I am grateful to you for your valuable input.

Nevertheless, we have reflected upon recent oversights in the administration of your personal affairs and acknowledge that these should not have occurred. From time to time, we can all find that our busy professional lives create challenges with managing our personal affairs. Where we fall short, it is important to remedy that quickly and ensure it does not happen again.

As Ministers, we all have committed to restoring trust in Government and we have adopted a values-based approach. As leaders, it is critical that we live by those values.

2023 is an important year for the financial services sector. One of Jerseyā€™s great strengths is the stability of our jurisdiction alongside a commitment to maintaining international standards and being able to adapt to an ever-changing world. It is clear that a group of experienced ministers should now work on the Financial Services portfolio in a collaborative fashion, constructively prioritising. To achieve this, responsibility for Financial Services will be transferred to myself as Chief Minister so it sits at the centre of government.

Deputy Elaine Millar, an experienced lawyer and former Viscount, will be appointed as an Assistant Chief Minister for Financial Services, and will chair a new financial services ministerial group. In addition, Deputy Gorst, who has considerable experience himself, will be appointed as an Assistant Chief Minister, and together with myself and the Deputy Chief Minister, will join this new ministerial group. Together we will deliver a stable and sustainable approach. 

As External Relations Minister I know that you will continue to work in a constructive and collaborative way with this new group along with the other oversight groups that you have joined as part of the Council of Ministers. Your hard work has already made a positive impact and there is much more to achieve to deliver the best outcomes for our community.

Yours sincerely, 

Deputy Kristina Moore

Chief Minister

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