18 December 2024
Parts of the St Helier ring road, Clarendon Road and La Pouquelaye are currently closed
due to an unstable building.
A burst water main has created a sink hole underneath the road and significant cracks
have appeared in the walls of the building that makes the corner of Clarendon Road, and
Rouge Bouillon, at the bottom of La Pouquelaye.
A lamppost has also been undermined and will need attention.
Utilities services have been called to the scene and building control will determine
whether or not the property is safe and when to reopen the road.
It is likely to take a number of hours to repair.
Diversions are in place, but Islanders are asked to avoid the area.
Parents of students at Janvrin School are advised that the school is operating a staggered
closure today.
All parents should have been contacted and advised to park at Waitrose and walk via Drury
Lane and College Gardens to collect their children.
D’Auvergne will contact parents directly with advice on collection today. Please walk
wherever possible or D’Auvergne parents are asked to drive via Lower King’s Cliff
(opposite The Inn) to access.
A further meeting will be held at 4 o'clock today to determine how the incident may affect
students tomorrow.
Schools will be open as usual tomorrow, but parents are asked to keep a​ look out for