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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Children and Young People's Survey report published

26 March 2025

​​The 2024 Jersey Children and Young People’s Survey report has been released today by Statistics Jersey.   

Every Jersey child in school years 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 were invited to take part in the survey during school time in the Autumn Term of 2024. Home-educated students also had the opportunity to take part. Translations into Portuguese and polish were also available to the students.  Student participation was voluntary and anonymous. 

Conducted independently by Statistics Jersey, the survey included topics requested by a range of stakeholders across government to support their work in children’s services. 

Questions were age appropriate and covered a range of social topics such as health, food, exercise, bullying, alcohol, smoking and drugs. New topics this year included questions on religion, leisure time, criminal child exploitation and attitudes to gender stereotypes. Some sections (e.g. drugs and sex) were not included, or were amended, for the younger children’s versions of the questionnaire. 

The survey in various forms has been run since 1998, enabling changes in behaviours and attitudes to be monitored over time. The results from the survey will allow everyone in the Island to better understand life from a child’s perspective, and help in the decision-making of those providing services to children.  

Statistics Jersey wishes to thank the young people who took part in the survey. 

2024 Jersey Children and Young People’s Survey report​​​​

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