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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

A new vision for Fort Regent

17 March 2025

The Government will be launching a new, exciting vision for the future of Fort Regent together with a public consultation that will start on 2 April. The aim is to reopen the Fort at the end of 2028. 

Fort Regent needs to close at the end of the year for significant essential maintenance and upgrades that cannot be carried out while the public have access to the building. 

The infrastructure of the 1970s complex, including power, lighting and water, is out of date and many issues need to be addressed, including the presence of asbestos. It is not possible to keep the building open while these improvements and repairs to the roof are undertaken. 

The following steps will be taken to ensure the first phase of the project can happen: 

1. Support existing users to relocate 

All public sports services will be moved out of the outdated facilities and into modern, purpose-built sports venues or existing facilities across the Island. Many clubs have already relocated over the past three years. 

La Petite Ecole nursery will continue operating at Fort Regent until new facilities are found for them. 

2. Relocate soft play facilities 

To ensure families still have access to a high-quality play area while the Fort is being redeveloped, a brand-new, fun and accessible soft play facility will be opening at the Waterfront this Summer. 

3. Make the facilities safe and address existing risks 

The basic infrastructure of Fort Regent is outdated, including the power supply, lighting and water systems. The building also contains asbestos so Fort Regent will have to close to protect the public while work takes place to safely regenerate the site. 

4. Consult the public 

On 2 April this year the States of Jersey Development Company, our delivery partner, will start a public consultation on the new vision for the Fort on behalf of the Government and will gather feedback from Islanders. This process will be similar to the recent Waterfront consultation and will enable the public to give their views on the new proposals. At the same time, plans are being prepared for the restoration of the iconic roof structure. 

5. Deliver a regenerated Fort Regent 

Once the Fort is fully vacated, work will start on the main structure, focusing on removing the asbestos, with works beginning in January. 

Once a detailed design is agreed, a completely regenerated Fort Regent will reopen at the end of 2028. 

The Minister for Infrastructure, ConnĂ©table Andy Jehan, said: 

“Many sports clubs and services have already left the Fort as this programme has been under way for some time. We will support all remaining sports based at Fort Regent to relocate to new or existing facilities across the Island, including Springfield, Oakfield, Les Quennevais, and facilities in our Island schools. We are also committed to supporting private clubs where possible. 

“Maintaining the Fort in its current condition incurs considerable ongoing costs. We need a new vision for the Fort, and a plan to create an exciting, modern facility for the Island. Having a clear site will enable us to update and improve Fort Regent making it a safer, quicker and more cost-​efficient process. The work will be significant and regrettably, this cannot be done whilst businesses and services are operating on the site.”​

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