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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Power Factor Saver SD001 (Safety Report)

Recall date29 Apr 2022
ProductBlack and gold energy saving plug in device
Pack size1
Batch codeseBay item number 402795079034 - Power Factor Saver - SD001
ProblemRisk of electric shock and fire.
Further information


The product presents a serious risk of electric shock and fire. The plug pins are all the same length. The Earth pin is insulated and too short to operate the shutter. The live and neutral pins were too long and the product has weak pins that may break off in the socket. 

The product has a large unmarked and unapproved capacitor which means it has a higher risk of short circuiting. 

The product also lacks a fuse or other protection which means it relies on the building circuit breaker. The product also claims to have lightening or spike protection, but it has no components that would perform this function. It does not meet electrical equipment safety requirements. 

Owners of this product should stop using it immediately and request redress from the distributor. 

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