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Nutramigen LGG stage 1 and stage 2 Hypoallergenic Formula powders (Reckitt) Recall

Recall date04 Jan 2024
ProductLGG stage 1 and stage 2 Hypoallergenic Formula powder
Pack size400g
Batch codesZL3F7D, ZL3FAA and ZL3FDM
ProblemPossible presence of harmful bacteria
Further information

​Nutramigen LGG stage 1 and stage 2 Hypoallergenic Formula powders (Reckitt) Recall


Reckitt are recalling all batches of their Nutramigen LGG stage 1 and stage 2 Hypoallergenic Formula powders with the batch codes: ZL3F7D, ZL3FAA and ZL3FDM.

The recall is due to the possible presence of a harmful bacteria (Cronobacter sakazakii). The bacteria can cause fever and diarrhoea, and in severe cases can lead to sepsis or meningitis.


If you have purchased this product do not consume it and return it to the place of purchase.


For further information please contact Reckitt on 01895 230575.


WebsiteReckitt Recall
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