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Portable Air Conditioning Unit (Pump House) Recall

BrandPump House
Recall date17 Jan 2024
ProductPortable Air Conditioning Unit
Pack size1
Batch codesSee full list below
ProblemFaulty wiring has been identified in a small number of units that result in fire during operation.
Further information

Product does not meet the requirements of the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016.


Affected units have compressor power cords that are too short which can make contact with internal pipework within the unit. This can damage the power cord insulation which can lead to arcing and fire.

Model numbers: PAC-C-12-12290 and PAC-H-12-R290. 

Date range: Affected products were manufactured between September 2018 and 15 August 2019 

Serial numbers: Affected products have the following numbers which form the 4th to 11th digits of the serial number: 78272001, 75606401, 70915801, 73590610, 71712001, 72501101  

Further information on how to identify an affected product to be returned, can be found at the following recall page:


Please see attached for full details. 


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