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Magnetic Building Blocks (4-PEJIAAR - Sold via Amazon) - Safety Notice

Recall date07 Feb 2024
ProductMagnetic Building Blocks
Pack size1
Batch codesASIN: B0B4RLXC6N
ProblemRisk of choking and internal injuries
Further information

The product does not meet the requirements of the Toys (Safety) Regulations 2011.


The product has been identified as presenting a serious risk of choking and internal injuries due to the presence of small parts as received. A young child may place a small part in their mouth and cause the child to choke.


The magnetic toy was also found to have a magnetic flux greater than the maximum permissible level. Small, high-powered magnetic products can be easily swallowed and, when ingested, have the potential to cause serious internal injuries within the gastrointestinal tract. 


For more information see the attached Safety Noticeā€‹.

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