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Mini Electric Chainsaw (Supoffis - Sold by Amazon) - Safety Notice

Recall date13 Feb 2024
ProductMini Electric Chainsaw
Pack size1
Batch codesSee full list below
ProblemRisk of Fire
Further information

Model Number: D-04


Amazon ASIN: B09G99ZX9B

Additional identifier: FBA15HD9H92GU00001

The product does not meet the requirements of the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008 or the Plugs & Sockets (Safety) Regulations 1994.

The product presents a serious risk of fire as the charger has no current protection and the creepage and clearance distances in the transformer are insufficient. Under fault conditions, the protective earthing mechanisms may not activate and the product may overheat and ignite.

Additionally, the design of the product allows access to live metal parts, including on the plug face, which could give the user an electric shock.

For more information see attached Product Safety Report. â€‹â€‹

WebsiteProduct Safety Report
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