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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Birch Ply Fr Plywood (PAGED) Safety Notice

Recall date09 Feb 2024
ProductBirchPly Fr Plywood
Pack size
Batch codes
ProblemRisk of failed reaction to fire performance & building safety
Further information

​This product was marketed as Euroclass B but testing has found it may not consistently achieve this for reaction to fire performance and building safety. The product may not perform or be suitable for it's intended use.  It has failed UK safety standards and does not meet EU regulatory requirements in the UK.

​Date range of affected product:

Product placed on the UK market on or after 15 December 2021

​Board Size: 

1220mm x 2440mm, thickness: 12mm to 24mm


Board Markings:

DoP 0763-CPR-6036


​Declaration of Performance:

1. DoP-HW FR-02, dated 15.12.2021 (CE)

2. DoP-HW FR-02, dated 01.11.2022 (CE)

3. DoC-HW FR-02, dated 01.12.2022 (UKCA)

Euroclass Declaration: B-s1 d0

Building owners should seek advice from their building safety officer, an independent inspector, fire safety officer or relevant building control authority and consider reviewing the building's fire strategy if necessary.

For more information see attached safety report.

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