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Black Climbing Harness Anti-Fall Protection Safety Belt (Sold by AliExpress) - Recall

Recall date08 Mar 2024
ProductA black full body harness/safety belt with red stitching
Pack size1
Batch codesAliExpress ID: 1005003474408963
ProblemRisk of injuries or falling
Further information

The product does not meet the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/425 on Personal Protective Equipment or the Personal Protective Equipment (Enforcement) Regulations 2018.  â€‹

The product has been identified as presenting a serious risk of injuries or falling from a height as it is classed as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and was not supplied with the required compliance documentation or markings to demonstrate that it has been adequately conformity assessed. Mandatory third-party conformity assessment by a body authorised for PPE is required by the relevant regulations for those products which protect against more serious risks. The absence of such independent assessment for such a product may increase the risk to the consumer that the product may not perform as expected when relied upon across a wide range of uses.  

See product recall attachement for full details.​

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