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Power Adapter - Safety Notice

Recall date19 Apr 2024
ProductRectangular, 3-pin AC power adapter
Pack size
Batch codesModel: 180500
ProblemRisk of electric shock
Further information

The product does not meet the requirements of the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016.

Product details are:
Model: 180500
SKU: M010000000004506658
Other identifiers: UKT002007, SS500045000454296193

There were no barriers to prevent a detached wire from reducing creepage distances and clearances to levels below the minimum requirement, posing a risk of electric shock to the user.

There were also no instructions provided with the product and some of the required documentation and marking were not present.ā€‹

For more infromation see attached Saftey Noticeā€‹
WebsiteSafety Notice
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