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Colouring Pencils 24pk (PepCo - sold by Poundland) Recall Notice

Recall date01 May 2024
ProductColouring Pencils 24pk
Pack size
Batch codes
ProblemSerious chemical risk
Further information

These products present with a serious chemical risk as they were found to contain phthalates at levels that exceed the legal limit.

Phthalates may harm the health of children, possibly causing damage to the reproductive system. They do not meet safety standards.


Product Description:

24 pack of colouring pencils in various licensed designs including Mickey Mouse, Spider Man and Star Wars.


Product Codes:

757270            758008            831809            857408

889739            855168            855169            855170



2200434466467          2200134746760          2200134991665            2200135199763

2200159633267          2200159915066          2200159915264            2200159915363


If you have bought this product, stop using it immediately and return it to the distributor for a refund.


Further information from the Poundland recall site:

​For more information see the attached recall notice.


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