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Children's Full Body Harness (Supzldas - sold via Amazon) - Recall

Recall date03 May 2024
ProductChildren’s Full Body Harness
Pack size
Batch codesAmazon ASIN: B0757K38WQ
ProblemSerious risk of injuries
Further information

This product has been recalled as it has been identified as presenting a serious risk of injuries or falling from a height. For Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) there are requirements detailed in Regulation (EU) 2016/425 on Personal Protective Equipment or the Personal Protective Equipment (Enforcement) Regulations 2018. Based on this regulation compliance documentation or markings are required to demonstrate that it has been adequately conformity assessed.

When checked this product did not have an independent assessment for such a product may increase the risk to the consumer that the product may not perform as expected when relied upon across a wide range of uses.

Product details:
Amazon ASIN: B0757K38WQ 
Listing name: Supzldas Climbing Harness, Children's Full Body Harness for Amusement Park & Rock Climbing Expedition

If you own a product which matches the above identifying information do not use, contact retailer to arrange a return and refund. 

For more information see the attached Recall Notice. â€‹â€‹
WebsiteProduct Recall
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