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Vest Style Life Jacket/Buoyancy Aid (YUEXIANGLUYOU sold by Etsy) - Recall

Recall date09 May 2024
ProductPersonal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Life Jacket / Buoyancy Aid
Pack size
Batch codesEtsy ID: 1225683634
ProblemSerious Risk of Drowning
Further information


Following assessment of this product it has been identified it has been advertised as a life jacket. However, following testing it has been identified as a buoyancy aid which is not the same level of protection. Therefore, a product recall has been issued due to serious risk of drowning​.

Product Identifiers: 
Etsy ID: 1225683634
Listing name: adult kids lifesaving sailing boating vest aid sports swimming life jacket

The product does not meet the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/425 on Personal Protective Equipment or the Personal Protective Equipment (Enforcement) Regulations 2018.

If you have purchased this product do not use it, contact seller to arrange a return and refund. 

For more information see attached Recall Notice. 
WebsiteRecall Notice
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