This product presents with a serious risk of choking as the metal tips on the darts were found to detach too easily. These detached metal tips fit entirely inside of a small parts cylinder, and should a child put these small metal tips in their mouth, they could swallow it and choke. Additionally, one of the magnets was found to have a magnetic flux of 861 kG²mm². This exceeds the maximum permissible level of 50kG²mm². Should more than one magnet be ingested, they can attract to each other across intestinal walls and cause perforation or blockage, which can cause severe injuries that can be fatal. Some required documentation was not present. This product does not meet safety standards. Barcode: X001Z3MJWV
Amazon identifier: FBA15J6VPVPZU000006
If you have bought this product stop using it immediately and return it to the distributor for a refund.
For further information see the attached safety notice.​​ |