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Candle Warmer Lamp - (Sold by Amazon) - Safety Notice

Recall date28 Nov 2024
ProductElectrical appliances and equipment – Candle warmer lamp
Pack size
Batch codes
ProblemHigh Risk of Electric Shock
Further information

A Product Safety Noticed has been issued with this product as it does not meet the requirements of the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016.

Product has been fitted with basic insulation to prevent wires touching accessible live parts. The product could fail, meaning the live wires can touch the accessible metal parts making them live. If the user does not realise the accessible parts are now live, they may touch the appliance and 
receive an electric shock. Therefore, it presents a high risk of electric shock. 

Product Identifiers:

Barcode: X0023BT7LT
Amazon product identifier: FBA15JDST66WU000029

For more information see attached Product Safety Notice. â€‹
WebsiteProduct Safety Notice
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