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Leaf Blower QS-GT85101 (sold by Amazon) Safety Notice

Recall date21 Feb 2025
ProductLeaf Blower QS-GT85101
Pack size
Batch codes
ProblemSerious risk of fire
Further information

This product presents with a serious risk of fire, as over time wires could come loose from the soldering due to vibrations/shocks. This is because the wires had only been soldered directly to battery connections with no secondary means of fixing.

This could mean a wire might touch other connections that draw a high current, causing the product to catch fire. Improvements are also required to quality assurance, documentation, markings and the declaration of conformity.

This product does not meet safety standards. 

Product description: 
A red and black electric leaf blower with lithium-ion battery and charger.

Amazon Identifiers:
X001SV2MK9 FBA15JRM8NC9U000027

If you have bought this product stop using it immediately and return it to the distributor for a refund.

For further information and the list of product identifiers see the attached safety notice.
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