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YOYO 3 Pram (Stokke) Recall Notice

Recall date21 Feb 2025
ProductYOYO 3 Pram
Pack size
Batch codes
ProblemRisk of injuries
Further information

​This product presents with a risk of injuries as a parking brake issue has been identified. This could lead to the unintentional release of the brake during use, resulting in the pram being insecurely parked and presenting an injuries risk to the infant user.​

Owners of the YoYo 3 should stop using the product immediately and review the serial number marked on the underside of the pram. You should then access the Stokke recall portal here: where you can enter your serial number into the checker and follow the steps to seek the applicable remedy.

This product does not meet safety standards. 

Product description: 
A four wheeled folding baby stroller/pram sold in various colours. Prams with a serial number that does not contain “AA” are not affected by the issue.

Affected Serial Numbers:
142AA followed by numbers that fall below 0062239

If you have bought this product stop using it immediately and return it to the distributor for a refund.

For further information and the list of product identifiers see the attached recall notice.
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