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LED Ceiling Light (Sold by Amazon) Safety Notice

Recall date25 Feb 2025
ProductLED Ceiling Light
Pack size
Batch codes
ProblemSerious risk of electric shock
Further information

This product presents with a serious risk of electric shock as the product failed the 1250 V electric strength test. The insulation broke down at 700 V when applied between the live input and earthed metal parts. The product’s insulation may therefore break down over time due to the low strength of the product, and a surge in current could cause it to become live, causing the consumer to receive an electric shock.

This product does not meet safety standards. 

Product Identifiers:
2645442 FBA15JT7DNZVU000008


Product description: 
An LED ceiling mounted light

If you have bought this product stop using it immediately and return it to the distributor for a refund.
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