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Tree Stump Bean Bags (Bazaar Group Ltd) Safety Notice

BrandBazaar Group Ltd
Recall date25 Feb 2025
ProductTree Stump Bean Bags
Pack size
Batch codes
ProblemRisk of suffocation
Further information

This product presents with a risk of suffocation as some bean bags still have the safety zip pull attached. Bags with the safety zip still attached can be opened. If a young child were to open the zip and access the internal small bean filling, they may swallow it and suffocate.

This product does not meet safety standards. 

If you purchased any of the products listed between 1st February 2018 and 31st January 2024, please check whether the safety zip pull is still attached. If your product has no zip pull attached - then no further action is required.

For further information, please access the recall page at the following link: 

Product Code, Description, Barcode: 
ED4BUN-TREES – Tree Stump Bean Bag Teacher Bundle – 5060374293571

ED3FSTODTREE – Tree Stump Bean Bag (Pack of 3) - 5060374291812

Product description: 
Bean bags in a tree stump design. Sold as part of a bundle or 3 pack.

If you have bought this product stop using it immediately and return it to the distributor for a refund.

For further information and the list of product identifiers see the attached safety notice.
WebsiteBazaar Group Ltd
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