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Recon LT Avalanche Transceiver (Black Diamond) Recall Notice

BrandBlack Diamond
Recall date05 Mar 2025
ProductRecon LT Avalanche Transceiver
Pack size
Batch codes
ProblemRisk of injuries or death
Further information

This product presents with a risk of injuries as in some cases the metal contact of the product’s switch mechanism may corrode. If this occurs, the device could malfunction or turn off. If this occurred during an avalanche, the malfunction could hinder rescue efforts, leading to injury or death.

This product does not meet safety standards. 


Product description: 
Black Diamond Recon LT transceivers are made from black and blue plastic with an LCD screen. They measure approximately 11cm x 8cm x 2cm. The product is sold on its own or as part of two sets: the Alpine AVY Safety Set and Recon LY AVY Safety Set.

If you have bought this product stop using it immediately and return it to the distributor for a refund.

For further information, please access the recall page at the following link: â€‹
WebsiteBlack Diamond
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