​This product presents with a serious chemical risk as the yellow paint on the handle of the long hoe was found to contain 800 ± 12mg/kg of migratable lead and the yellow paint on the handle of the long rake was found to contain 210 ± 4mg/kg of migratable lead. Exposure to lead may cause a wide range of adverse effects, including damage to the kidneys, the circulatory system, and the developing brain. The unborn child and young children are the most sensitive to lead. For further information on the health effects of lead exposure, please access: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/lead-properties-incident-management-and-toxicology
This product does not meet safety standards.
Costco item number:
Batch: 12/2023
SKU: SGH021-08-SY
Product description: A yellow and black rake and hoe with a long handle included as part of a seven-piece children’s gardening toy set.
If you have bought this product stop using it immediately and return it to the distributor for a refund.
For further information, please access the recall page at the following link: www.recall-rtb.com ​